
I’m surprised they didn’t try to offload it during the Simmons drama. Maybe they did, in which case I’m surprised there were no reasonable offers. Seems like Yahoo! might have been a natural buyer.


I want to punch this column.

How is calling out teammates at all comparable to what Hardy did?



Are these actually popular misconceptions? Any of these?

I have no idea how much ESPN fantasy guru Matthew Berry gets paid, but it probably isn’t enough given that he is very much the backbone of the biggest sports website in the world

Fascist supports fascism. More at ten.

In what world is suspension with pay a punishment?

Why should he go back to Europe? Watching him has been a joy and I say that even as a NYCFC fan who watched him thoroughly embarrass us.

Good Christ, anything but that!

How do you not release a movie called "Hail, Caesar!" on March 15th?

I can take baseball or leave it, but that picture of Jose chilling while the crowd goes wild is fly as fuck.

TLDR: NFL enforces uniform policy.

I’d take the embedded video’s Spanish language announcer - a man speaking a language I cannot understand - over Simms ten times out of ten.

Homage to Catalonia is so good.

How is asking her whether she feeds off her labelmates drama putting her down or suggesting she’s stupid? I don’t understand.

Anyone who pays any amount of money to watch major league baseball deserves whatever misery they get.

Jamaica was bad, but it’s hard to argue that the USMNT has underachieved, exactly, or that we’d be better off with anyone else at the helm (who might realistically be available). Klinsmann is a long term manager and it may be a long time before we see the full benefit of the program he’s begun - why abandon it all if