In other words, there is a sense of solidarity among most female players.
In other words, there is a sense of solidarity among most female players.
I'm most successful when I can open with a joke related to her profile or one of her pictures. Pretty girls with blank profiles and boring pictures, I ain't got nothin' for that.
No head coach or front office would ever in a million, bazillion years choose a questionable play in order to gain additional leverage over a contract negotiation and/or elevate one player over another for purposes of commemorative DVDs or lacquered plaques or whatever instead of going with the highest percentage play…
It's the same thing as calling a state with only 60% of the districts reporting in. Only if you expect a material deviation from an established pattern would you doubt that Chelsea has essentially won the title at this point. And I say this as a bitter, bitter Arsenal supporter.
In same boat, just replying so I can save this thread.
60 people? WTF? Who has that many people to a bachelor/ette party?
Don't care what anyone says, I still like Dude Ranch and listen to it from time to time.
Phoenix. Ass. Stuck.
The leg bone's connected to the... face bone
I guess you could, theoretically, but they're so small it seems like they'd cook through by the time they caramelized.
But you can sear sea scallops.
Well that certainly doesn't say much for the other MSU frats.
Tortilla Chips is the only decision the majority's gotten right so far. Disgusted by my fellow readers.
ports Illustrated has laid off all six of its remaining staff photographers.
Not sure what's more cringeworthy: showing up to your crush's soccer game to be a one-man clarinet-playing pep band or showing up in this comments section to seriously complain about how stuck-up women just don't appreciate romantic gestures.
Cheese and crackers only does so poorly because the unwashed masses in the grays are allowed to vote.
The film shows both sides doing awful things. Have you actually seen it?
And I had the switchblade pointed, and I said, “You need to get out of this conversation right now, because if you start a conversation with me, my answer is a switchblade.
Besides appearance, are there any advantages over a regular 3DS XL?