The worst part about this article is that I clicked through to Donj’s IG profile and found out my own fucking brother follows him.
The worst part about this article is that I clicked through to Donj’s IG profile and found out my own fucking brother follows him.
Can’t rethink if you didn’t think in the first place! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
On one hand it doesn’t look great to have people saying this kind of thing about the person they are investigating. On the other hand, anyone who isn’t at least thinking these things about Trump clearly doesn’t have good judgement. If you remove everyone that has a preconceived impression of Trump as a dumbass, then…
Why are outspoken farmers so fucking stupid?
I don’t think that Toews has a self serious schtick. I think that his head is so completely filled with knowledge of positional play that there isn’t room for anything else, such as showing emotions.
FYI, if you click the down arrow by thisisntaboutyouscrub's comments, you'll see what his real name is. You may not want to engage.