
This is why I cannot think of a more self-loathing Jew than the conservative Jew (conservative in the political sense).

It’s because when a conservative uses the term “elite,” what they really mean is “Jewish.” =/

I think Gemma Chan might’ve meant that “like.”

Christonapogostick, the woman does the right thing by checking into a facility before her mental health unravels (and good ya, lady!) only to be sabotaged by that pos ex-manager and a bunch of wannabe-be-edgy-for-our-15-minutes-of-fame bitches. Still rooting for you, Britney. I hope she can do more than restraining

You drive a gray or white Camry, don’t you?

No, a judge will “blue line” the agreement and this car will lose. Sorry, to most people this is a run-down car. 

His truck looks like shit, HOA or not. I would not like to wake up and see this across my window every morning

Kinda feel like the guy posted those pictures to obfuscate. What do they, runners from a randomly picked race, out of thousands, have to do with this article? People are using this to refute the clear undertones of racism when they’re completely unrelated.

All racism is hypothetical unless there’s a literal hood and sheet involved.

“First they came for Semenya, and I said nothing, because I was behind her.”

I tried to listen to that podcast episode and had to turn it off because it felt like such a gross violation of her privacy. I hope the paralegal guy who spilled the info gets sued to hell and back. I don’t really know what the best case scenario is for releasing that information: are we all supposed to be encouraging

The fact that anyone would believe anything Sam Lufti would say is baffling. Most anyone who watched her breakdown, and the aftermath knows what a manipulative, evil man he is. And if you didn’t know the history a google search would tell you.

I’m happy to look at this documentation of which you speak.

If TMZ is believed, it’s also caused her mom to want co-conservator status over Britney, additional drama she clearly doesn’t need. 

Remember the outrage when his annual salary was raised to $100,000 and everyone was screaming about him robbing her? A hundred grand a year to work 24-7 protecting her interests, her estate, and her essential wellbeing. He gave up his own life and his own job to do so, and she turned around right in front of our eyes

Even before this, the comments on here were always about how her dad was shady and taking advantage of her, so of course people are all over this Free Britney shit.

I hate reading articles about her here because of how many commenters think the extent of her conservatorship is sinister, like she’s in some Frances Farmers situation. As someone with a mentally ill family member (stable now, thank god) who has NO money, I shudder to think of how grave the situation would be if tens

Well and also at the core of it her father is sick, and she’s so distressed she had to go to a center to recover. It seems like her father stepping in has given her peace of mind and has allowed her to work, perform, and sing which I think are probably her passions. I mean I don’t know her life. She grew up a child

It’s so gross. She has serious issues, motherfuckers. So serious we all watched her meltdown in public, so imagine the shit that’s gone on in private.