
...get fucked...


Look everyone, Mike Rosenberg is here!

To all the people saying he obviously meant to send this to someone else: he OBVIOUSLY wanked over her picture and wanted her to know about it. Just FYI.

This is called “messaging accidentally on purpose” it’s to test the waters in an innocuous way so that if the reaction isn’t good they have plausible deniability. It’s 101 level con artistry bullshit.

Same movie, my sister’s entire review was ‘you won’t believe it, but she’s a man.’ or something to that effect. Her son’s review of Star Wars was ‘Kylo kills Han,’ so it must be genetic.

“The Crying Game” was a pivotal cultural moment I believe, when the twist became the talking point of the movie.  Reviewers kept it under wraps, the word-of-mouth would tout the movie and say “Wow, yeah, huge shocker in that movie...”, and that became its calling card, that there was a twist.  So you went into the

I LOVE SPOILERS. They don’t ruin anything for me. To me they get rid of unnecessary mental anxiety. And I always read the last few pages of a book before I’m finished.

Oh yeah, constant aches and pains, constant tiredness. Wicked stretch marks that I still have to this day. When I mention stretch marks, most people are like, “Oh, were you big as a kid?” and I’m like, “No. I’ve always been lean, but growing like a fucking weed is rough.” My little cousin is going through the same

Your eyes are looking absolutely knobby today!

There aren’t many studies that prove that naturally occurring testosterone (different beast than synthetic testosterone) unfairly enhances female athletes performance that haven’t been scrutinized due to flaws in study design. I don’t mean laboratory studies, I mean actual studies involving professional athletes and

It was definitely done for symbolism and artistic purposes like its the dead of night during winter and you’re literally fighting death. Someone wrote an article calling the army of the dead an unrelenting wave. I believe that was one of the purposes for darkening the footage. The viewers can only see what’s right in

Do you guys need a trigger warning or something? How can I make you feel safe again?

Large, white, and working with Russians. Don won’t nuke him, he’ll give him a cabinet position.

“i moved on her like a bitch.”

I agree with you completely that sending kids to Guantanamo Bay would be gratuitous and unnecessary but here we are

The priest that did my first communion was in the PA Grand Jury drop. I want to find his mug shot and have it blown up and framed in my living room.

You're talking to a 🍅

he’s a troll. stop feeding the troll.

Shut the fuck up and log off TomatoFace.