I buy it, if they were too stupid to get into fairly usual places like U of San Diego, Texas, they probably aren’t that bright and/or had mommy and daddy solely handling their college searches & applications.
I buy it, if they were too stupid to get into fairly usual places like U of San Diego, Texas, they probably aren’t that bright and/or had mommy and daddy solely handling their college searches & applications.
That is 1000% believable.
He probably thought he had found his evil batman villain billionaire’s Amber Heard.
Yep, I only know cause I dropped a dirty steel wheelbarrow on my toe myself. 😂
Fuck. Wondered about that. So young and a high level athlete, plus suicide, that is always something that has to be considered anymore based on the growing studies. Cyclists fall, and have the jolting effect of concussive force like a contact sport would. It’s not out of the range of possibilities she could have been…
THE. EXACT. Same. I was told to drop out so when I “inevitably failed” I wouldn’t hurt the place’s precious graduation statistics. (Which is wildly illegal as far as disability rights go.)
Yet. When the whole family’s indicted on the Ides of Mueller we shall see justice.
Meh. Cause he‘s not shady? I think were far past the phase of trusting Avenatti. Mr. graphically describing child rape on Twitter.
FYI, you can get a shot immediately after a skin-breaking wound and it can be effective too, if something happens and you still haven’t had a booster. Just go to an ER or urgent care center and they’ll give you it.
That’s simply not rational you know. And so ridiculously able-bodied privileged I actually laughed (not at your mom, to be clear, at your skeptism). Oh to even have an option not to trust doctors. That doesn’t exist for millions of people.
Because of the same rightwing nutjobs that will force you to birth a kid but the cry libertarism and government invasiveness when it comes to vaccines. And refuse to pass laws about it.
The driving 100+ MPH on one of his old cities busiest retail (and like a 45MPH limit) roads in what only can be described as an attempt to kill himself or hurt other drivers probably is one of the things scaring people off. That was shocking.
You should really check out your local community colleges’ catalog of adult enrichment courses, they aren’t usually too pricey, and you could try a few things and see if one catches your fancy. (Also a good way to try before you buy lots of supplies or something.)
No, it doesn’t actually look like that at all. Unless you knew you were pregnant by other means, you might not even recognize you were miscarrying on sight alone.
He’s like Major Frank Burns from MASH’s son come to real life.
A suggestion, if you’re moved to do something totally FREE in his honor response to this news (hopefully someone will ungrey this)- please go and GIVE BLOOD!
My Family’s been living with a inoperable, stage 4 metastatic breast cancer diagnosis for about 2 years now. No progression yet.
The stages of cancer don’t specifically refer to time, but expanse/severity. So it’s not like he found out too late, it’s just his cancer is worse than the lesser stages.
I barely come here on these stories anymore, cause I just don’t want to see more of the same old shit in the comments. Cannot deal. It’s a huge problem here and the obvious, Giz, Splinter, and Deadspin (when the odd story pops up there).
Well it is because real Ivies and the rest of quality academia know Wharton’s a joke and the clown car of student bodies because they are infamously buyable.