One thing that stuck really with me as damning that I didn’t know before- Wade’s dad killed himself after his family moved to LA to be near MJ.
One thing that stuck really with me as damning that I didn’t know before- Wade’s dad killed himself after his family moved to LA to be near MJ.
The seduction- that’s all you can term it- of the entire families was absolutely one of the most shocking aspects to the abuse.
My god. I so don’t understand how people get into shit like that.
Counter testimony- I have Aspergers, travel is a specific hell usually inducing emotional meltdowns from the overwhelming sensory input, including sound, and thus I always make sure I bring headphones, music, a movie. (And tend to find babies screaming in pain upsetting just because they’re in pain.)
Now I’m worried about getting stuck next to you on a flight, not a innocent uncomfortable baby.
Pete does not seem well, to play armchair psyche, mania can manifest as girlfriend mania.
God all the kids around my state still bleach their mops yellow with like clorox for the states tournaments.
WAIT. Didn’t in one of her books or interviews she claim SHE herself was a molestation victim in her youth?!
As someone in the state directly next to them, please, no, do not encourage these toxic racist fools to travel. It’s unlikely to change them anyways.
No you are not. Do not let anybody treat you that poorly. It’s emotionally abusive, you should never sit back just take abuse.
I don’t think there’s ever been an in depth look at this topic, it actually would probably make for a great film journal piece.
As an 80s baby who only started watching I was indeed struck by how weird it was. I thought to myself “I can’t believe this was allowed to be broadcast back then.”
Ya, Soap is on AntennaTV nightly right now. Antenna is just the name, you usually get it as a digit network multicast with one of your local over the air ABC, NBC, FOX, or CBS etc affiliates. About 80% of the country get it.
But that’s only done because these are active working professionals who just don’t have the time to see things theatrically because they’re off making theatrical content.
Ya the argument its “out of touch olds” is bullshit. I agree theatrical exhibition is fundamental to AMPAS and the Oscars. And I’m 29, a millennial.
Ah, finally somebody with a clue! Thank you!
Ah, finally somebody with a clue! Thank you!
Ah, finally somebody with a clue! Thank you!
By the fundamental grounds that its the Academy of MOTION PICTURES Arts and Sciences.
Sorry to burst bubbles of all the Netflix fans, but speaking a film historian the exclusion is inevitable based on pure technical definitions in AMPAS’ founding and present directives. The organization itself only exists to promote the theatrical “motion” pictures. The theater is the entire point of why it was…