
We could also educate the ignorant public that we already are a socialist nation and were under Republicans Ike, Nixon, Ford, dear leader Ronnie, both Bushes and the orange idiot too.

This is a whole lot of fuss considering America is and has been a socialist country in the literal sense since the various social legislation passed in 1933 & 1935, which stands today.

Ya, I couldn’t do the vaginal ultrasound either (and that doesnt even always find it, even if you do have it- so its like don’t torture yourself over it), it was not even close to being physically possible.

Rome has black people, its been a major US cinema market for a century, has hosted performers who did blackface for even longer.....and they’re claiming ignorance of the offensiveness black face tropes.

You mean Reese Witherspoon after being dead for 20 years.

Find a new doctor. Really. An Endo specialist or gynecological surgeon especially. If you dont have the resources maybe see if Planned Parenthood can help.

But here’s the rub- if your Endo is moderate to serious, you often CAN’T USE TAMPONS. Insertion is too painful and sometimes physically impossible from the pain triggering pelvic spasms.

Were in the run up to 2020 now remember, just about time for heavy trolling campaigns to sow discord.

He could be facing serious federal charges if they have linked him to sending the threatening letter and white powder through the mail.

He currently works in the private an expert threat assessor.

It’s a misdemeanor in IL. His bigger problem is if the FBI can link the mailed threat letter back to him, that’s federal charges right there. Big trouble.

Word is he’s already under sealed indictment related to his foundation in SDNY. But if you’re this gloom and doom, you won’t take my word for it and I can’t find the leaked report source material quickly offhand.

Duel Douchevival?!

Unpopular Bernie truth- he has deep links (the Feb ‘18 revelation Russia helped run election influence for him too, his strategists’ relationship with Manafort, missing the vote to enforce Russian sanctions) that lead the same place Trumps do. And the DNC unlike the RNC were able to discern Bernies funny business and

It normalized an extremist which made him more palatable to those who were once anti-Trump due to his personality, more centrist Republicans that might have only really liked his extreme deregulation stance, for example.

But the hate mail sent and reported to the FBI before the physical attack, why do that then?!

Was he not threatened by said “teacher” originally though? To get out of his own damn country, ostensibly by way he came ala the slave trade route that dragged his ancestors here, that’s pretty specifically threatening tremendous violence and rights violations. And by an ADULT to an elementary school CHILD.

Right, the police aren’t looking very good or reliable here either, they either had no idea the true nature of the case 24 hours ago or were so inept they had an unauthorized official leaking case theory jeopardizing the investigation.

Holy hell, this lady most definitely has bodies buried somewhere in her basement. She had to kill them for their own salvation I'm sure, all for them to get to heaven faster or something. 

Fuck, this is straight up free-basing this shit.