I’m suspect of the idea this was faked by him for said reasons, because if you faked this and were found out you’d be instantly guaranteeing the show to get rid of you for such malfeasance.
I’m suspect of the idea this was faked by him for said reasons, because if you faked this and were found out you’d be instantly guaranteeing the show to get rid of you for such malfeasance.
IDK, they’re both corny and embarrassing as fuck, and that’s kinda exactly Kenny G’s thing too.
I was in 7th grade when it happened. I'm not sure I understood the complete gravity of the tragedy or the sickness it unleashed in our society, but I remember feeling very uneasy on the way to school soccer practice later that day the next “school event” after it. It was clear to me something intangible had changed…
Ya, IKD if you know her or have some sort of personal affinity for her based on similar experiences that are coloring your impressions, but to a completely uninvested reader that article doesn‘t help her at all. Exactly the opposite. If anything its even more damning in detailing the specifics and extraordinary and…
Justice Kavanaugh, don’t you have more important things to do then comment on the Root?
Oh my gosh! Sorry to hear this. My mom was just entered into the ICU on Friday too coincidentally, I hope I can come back and say she’s in your shoes soon.
FWIW I checked out the pics of Brian and her on Just Jared, both have bruises over their arms and legs. Enough that I noticed.
The Klitschko’s FYI put on a very good front as far as locally, charitably and in ostensibly supporting the people of Ukraine in public, apparently because they have some deep ties to anti-Ukrainian democratic forces. Their political overtures appear to be textbook controlled opposition, likely backed by Russian…
My understanding the medical technicality here is its the slightest of possibilities and exceedingly rare to have endo grow back post bilateral total hysterectomy that removed everything- fallopians, ovaries, uterus, cervix, the total package, and when the endometrial matter spots are excised (as opposed to abalation-…
I would like to agree with you as a bit of a curmudgeon, but as a historian I have to tell you the exact same thing you said in that last part has been said of every new medium and artform, so I think you just sank your argument. They said it about rap, rock-n-roll, jazz, modern art, film, American literature, hell…
Oh yes! It took me a decade of pain and a clown car of “specialists” in exclusionary exploration just throwing opioids and crazy unnecessary procedures (cortisone injections to the stomach, anyone?) at me before they did my first endo surgery. At one point the before it the ER doc I frequented was about to tag me as a…
Our backyard racoon tried to come into our house when we caught it on the deck and tried to scare it away from where our cat hangs (cause the cat is the fight starter not the racoon) by waiving a broom behind our completely glass kitchen door.
This is a cute little piece, can a company with a notorious backstage sexual harassment culture that’s ruined lives and a history of employing and protecting key talent managers who were alledged rapists (Brawler) or alleged sexual assault perps (Patterson, McMahon) including the head of the company (who’s wife also…
My (now I realize superb) Catholic school actually taught theological classes just like that. They wanted us to have genuine college-esq multi-faith theological curriculum and weren’t at all afraid of us covering such stuff. “Tricking people” into Christianity by excluding all but cherrypicked advantageous material…
These stories come up constantly. People drove ATVs through fragile park rock formations in Utah IIRC on purpose to protest the government protecting the land. People have ruined ancient markings permantly by DRAWING on them to make shitty art for Instagram.
Blakes case isn’t a great example, even legal analysts are admitting now, there was a shitload of problematic evidence there. The recent 20/20 episode blew me away, I misremembered that murder as a slam dunk evidence wise, it wasn ‘t at all.
This is what happens when producer’s look around at today’s batshit political talking heads and try to avoid them, you think well maybe we’ll go back to a “classic” broadcaster to be a sage for a switch. That’ll work! Right?
We’re really gonna of those 1960s room-sized NASA computers and a full time team of employees hashing this project out.
Those are special on-body evidence preservation jumpsuits, that photo apparently from his initial court appearance.
I’m as ghostly pale as you can get and even I'll say this is way too much white bullshit.