
No, they were born legally “genetically” his and his ex’s and then one more as his and a donor egg just all carried by the ex or surrogate. Their actual DNA does not appear to be his however. Seems like he secretly used a friend/s as sperm donor in a private arrangement.

Exactly, they either were involved or these boys proactively skirted their chaperones to do this.

Precisely the hats say it all about the true intentions here. They’re totally unrelated to the March for Life event itself, especially as it is supposed to be about religious objection to abortion and run by inter-faith religious groups.

What parts of like live vivisections in Japan’s medical torture war crimes and human experiments for decades there was directly related to outside influences?

Probably not, as it was all contrived cover for a major imminent Trump team arrest, which was Roger Stone.

The current line of movement seems to be in Wikileaks/Infowars connections- Ted Malloch to Jerome Corsi to Stone...likely to Assange but other intermediaries between Stone and Assange/Wikileaks also included Sean Hannity and Alex Jones. They might pop up next in line.. No joke.

Probaby knew about impending evidence destruction or new meetings with conspirators in the wake of the Jerome Corsi case movement in which Stone is caught red-handed with current and on-going witness tampering, among a mountain of other crimes

I’ve never heard of this person before and obviously don't really care to, but the fact the related stories tell me Justin Bieber is jealous of a tween hairbow seller pleases me to no end.

I’ll tell you what I keep trying to tell my nephews school where a boy Mean Girl clique of cool douches keep excluding him from the lunch table because he’s the only one sweet and kind enough to have a girlfriend yt- ASSIGNED FUCKING LUNCH SEATS for these little shit heads!

IIRC He's was just busy defending Kevin Hart’s homophobia. He'll have to multitask it.

So serious life stuff here- On Thursday I’m getting a full hysterectomy and endometriosis excision surgery, I ‘ve wanted this surgery for years and dont need the parts with my gender identity and thought I was super calm about it. Then the 1 week until surgery mark hit and I’m really starting to panic. I’m just plain

My one nephew was big swallower as a toddler up until about 5/6, everything went right in his mouth, he swallowed a dime, toy cars wheel, a lego mans head, choked on a poker chip he tried to swallow, I couldn’t believe Doctors every time we just like, “nah, he’ll be okay just let him pass it”.

My one nephew was big swallower as a toddler up until about 5/6, everything went right in his mouth, he swallowed a dime, toy cars wheel, a lego mans head, choked on a poker chip he tried to swallow, I couldn’t believe Doctors every time we just like, “nah, he’ll be okay just let him pass it”.

I ate a worm once as a kid while fishing, on a dare from my “fun” uncle. I cant remember how the notion came up but he said I’d never physically be able to and I’m dangerously stubborn, so that was just an engraved invitation to try it.

This is 100% batshit bullshit. Literally the stupidest online murder conspiracy theory since the Pizzagate.

Well, guess who’s a big investor in Twitter, and who benefit from this unrestrained platform ?! Russian oligarchs (lead by Yuri Milner). So ya, he’ll have the Russian.

Your macaroni salad must be quite an adventure to eat. ;)

My dork is showing here, but I find people like this really socio-anthropologically fascinating.