
God these MTV series people have got to be 40+ still doing these shows?!

Yahoo report says abused from ages 4-6 affirmatively and a relative, too.

If Jesus existed in America today we’d be charging him for leaving piles of loaves and fish as “litter”.

I’m pretty sure youre also not allowed to destroy people’s cars and land with graffiti too.

Wait are you saying he hasn’t gone home to Vermont in all the 3 years this shit has been going on and a huge news story there?

This is totally not the particular overwhelming elephant in the room I thought you meant for this specific show. 

Aw, you poor thing.

There are child shoe lace locks. Some are even no tie. They come with different characters on them.

It was basically this: Trumps firing of Comey forced the FBI to launch a new counterintelligence investigation into the sitting president, i.e. counter- his actions were severe enough he officially, FBI standard appeared to be a ouright foreign agent.

Lol. Why is pink hair so scary to the one Conservabro too?

Ya, gotta do something to strike the emotional chords in people to get them to shell out $24 bucks for a pack of 50cent each blades.

Cauliflower ear has nothing to do with dirt, it’s an injury, a build up of fluid and blood under the ear skin from prolonged friction against the mats and headgear while wrestling.

In all fairness, the President himself is a former bit player in an embarrassing television reality show that just happened to be branded with his name.

Natalie Eva Marie?!

Did you hear the 2 Trump/Russia news breaks on Friday?

The foursome of the 2 couples were actually all friends IIRC. So, apparently she liked the wife at some point. Just not enough to not sleep wife her husband obviously.

Andre was always the best one anyways. 

I cut my trouble family off. Its one of the hardest things imaginable but there’s very little you can do to adapt someone else’s behavior. If this is a pattern over years that goes unchanged, sometimes cutting them off is just the only real option.

If its strongly veggie-based its a no go with low fiber diets too. (That’s what might be the biggest riddle for vegetarian/vegan for all advocates.)

Was just about to post the same thing. People need some rare folks to still believe in. Terry seems to always come through.