You’re really under-selling the calling for genocide as plain old outspoken homophobia.
You’re really under-selling the calling for genocide as plain old outspoken homophobia.
Can we stop and marvel at one hundred and fifty bucks for that mac and cheese too?! 150.00!!!
Indeed, it was so not about race, BLACKS in all caps verbatim just like that is specifically what he said he was looking for on his hookup profile-
He paid heavily?!! LOL, but not like arrest, trial, and jailed heavily like this criminal behavior requires.
I forget who said it, it might’ve been a commenter here, Gen X is becoming the next Boomer Generation of “fuck the world, where my cronies at, me generation” super villains.
Good? It’s a spectrum on personal comfort level I guess, it still draws my side eye when any white person uses it un-hesitantly in non-performative context, like they have a hall pass. That’s debated subject I know.
Oh my dear! The Enquirer doesn’t “love Trump”, pssh-haw! If only, the owner is literally an unindicted co-conspirator of Trump’s who’s been given immunity by the Trump investigation authorities and is now a cooperating witness.
Of course he’s stupid, look at that photo what is that. The dipshit looks like a toddler showing off their big boy muscles.
Ugh, Viggo also dropped an n-bomb super casual like in a press conference for the film.
I believe you mean “the Crag”, every 90s Nick kid will know what I mean. The OG mountain!
Aw, if its like Ninja these definitely aren’t normal people, thats kind of disappointing. Ninja is all climbers, competitive Crossfitters, fitness pros.
Same. Pretty much try to keep trips outside within bladder range unless its something special. It’s disgusting, but I will not wash my hands either if there’s a crowd, I just bolt and hand-sanitize it. I can’t pass enough to use the mens room safely since I’m not on testosterone yet. So I’m a kinda obvious in women’s…
When your mother is the immortal (well...) Marion Crane I imagine it’s pretty hard to get all fussed up about some mockumentarian Baron.
This is a group, the HPFA, that’s essentially been caught selling awards in the past, “cheapened” is kinda their thang.
That is the very least her mother did. I can barely stand talking about it. The worst isn’t in print or film yet cause some of the players are still living. But it all while be publicized someday soon.
My area had a famous U.F.O. (in the literal sense, not the Close Encounters sense) crash incident the Kecksburg (PA)”bell” UFO incident in 1965.
Before 30 years ago? Like back are masculinity was so positive and unproblematic we forced conflict resolutioned ourselves into killing tens of millions of the world’s population with major super power’s getting involved in wars every decade?
As another man, this is a faux hand-wringing defense. It‘s crystal clear we have a medical epidemic on our hands in this country in particular related to toxic masculinity and lack of organized social examination of it, whether the APA addresses or not.
You definitely aren’t alone. I haven’t watched, don’t even have Netflix, and don’t really watch new stuff at all. Never seen a Game of Thornes, Walking Dead, Handmaid’s Tale, Downton Abbey. Oh well.
You definitely aren’t alone. I haven’t watched, don’t even have Netflix, and don’t really watch new stuff at all. Never seen a Game of Thornes, Walking Dead, Handmaid’s Tale, Downton Abbey. Oh well.