The male Rachel Dolezal taking shots at how anybody looks and acts is hysterical.
The male Rachel Dolezal taking shots at how anybody looks and acts is hysterical.
*Cathoic priests= pedophile.*
Indeed, it’s how Trump and Reagan got started on politics, both failed in entertainment and needed something else to do. Same for Ayn Rand the old school right wing inspiration.
Pretty sure we know what it is if you’ve been following the intricacies of the case Mueller’s building, a document outlining the he went and who (Trump) sent Cohen to visit Prague where he first meet with the Russians to conspire on them facilitating stealing Trump the presidency.
That sounds awfully mentally ill actually. The compulsive behavior with the videos and pestering coworkers . Put over the top by the paranoid ideation at the end about “touching his food”. That is one of the biggest big ol red flags in mental illness.
It’s simply what they bring as policy when a passenger is marked as differently abled in the computer system’s code. There’s no sub code for what a person needs.
The wheelchair’s a stupid airport systems thing, you signify you’re hearing impaired for safety reasons when you buy or board (just in case like the planes going down and you need directions to evacuate) but in the computer systems it just marks everyone as handicapped without specification so they see that and have…
I still believe anybody wants to watch that crap. It might as well just be full out animation.
She may be “fine” now, but that family is a ticking time bomb. Just waiting for those octuplets get to be 13/14 or so and turn into moody, little defiant, Fortnite addicted monsters at once.
I’d say I hope the 100k was worth it causee like Dani, the cops are gonna come looking for her. Cause this looks a lot like fraud. (Depending on how shitty the content specifications were and any if there are complaining customers who've gone to the authorities, added to the large haul that definitely will get police…
Sorry for the double post, Kinja probs cut me off and posted before I finished and there’s no delete comment button still.
My great aunt was a WW2 generation embodiment of a Southern Belle, she was one of a few surviving family members on my mom's side and she had no grandkids herself then, so I was one of her favorite people. Every year shed come spend Christmas with us from Texas. Come off the plane in heels and a three piece skirt suit…
In some states the judges will ask to hear from the children of a certain age, but its still down to what the judge wants in the end.
I think it’s one of those things were she’s knows she could never be a fraction as successful as her grandparents (who could?!), so she just went in the total opposite direction of being a world class trainwreck instead by trying to be the worst C list star fucker since Pamela Des Barres.
Are you really curious as to why her relation to one of the most famous people of all time might be noteworthy? Its that, that’s why.
Julie Andrews AND Blake Edwards’ granddaughter. So she’s got that “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” money.
If they won’t consider anybody currently really funny and today’s stars are too scared to do it, they should go the senimental and historically meaningful route.
I agree as a chronic patient for most of 2 decades.
Yes, the only other historical instant of this kind of organized offensive onslaught signaling out transgender people en mass was in 1930 & 40s Nazi Germany.