
There’s actually a bunch, but they’re really deep tracks so to speak, nobody you’d know instantly. But they are there. The most prominent named person is definitely-”Ebed-melech the Ethiopian” in the book of Jeremiah. In the book God actually tells Jeremiah to go give a certain message to Ebed-melech that the “Lord

Worth noting almost every single flavor of Mrs Dash is medically approved, 0 calorie and salt-free seasoning. They even serve it in place of salt in hospitals!

Worth noting almost every single flavor of Mrs Dash is medically approved, 0 calorie and salt-free seasoning. They even serve it in place of salt in hospitals!

Worth noting almost every single flavor of Mrs Dash is medically approved, 0 calorie and salt-free seasoning. They even serve it in place of salt in hospitals!

I go marinade, something like worcestershire sauce (or any kind of marinade base Lawry’s bottled, A1, Italian salad dressing can even work), the important part is montreal steak seasoning (thats my secret), all spice, onion powder, garlic, salt and pepper, then butter while cooked maybe some extra salt and pepper and

Oh yeah, I’d say so. They were damning enough they were entered into evidence to show his intent. He called Heyer’s mom “one of those anti-white supremacist Communists” Fields mom then said but she lost her daughter and he replied “It doesnt matter...She’s a Communist, she’s the enemy”.

Oh yeah, I’d say so. They were damning enough they were entered into evidence to show his intent. He called Heyer’s mom “one of those anti-white supremacist Communists” Fields mom then said but she lost her daughter and he replied “It doesnt matter...She’s a Communist, she’s the enemy”.

Well because the church could be liable for lawsuits brought on by the assault

I’m actually not that surprised, this is common in old-school Catholic old people. A lot of them gamble with startling frequency. Catholics and bingo, obviously is a huge thing. Gin rummy clubs too. “Night at the races” fundraisers.

Human history also actually includes records of transgender individuals in nearly every single era and around the globe. Records including the Holy Bible!

His beliefs have nothing to do with refusing to use this person’s pronouns and thus invalidating their right to simply exist. This student isn’t forcing HIM to become transgender, the kid’s simply living their own life and trying to go to school and not be humiliated every single day.

Actually, I’d be willing to bet Five Eyes intelligence has had at least one agent in the embassy since the beginning, probably somebody in Assange’s circle of those he’s trusts among the Ecuadorian staff workers.

You hit the nail on the head, and assessed what should’ve been his best defense (glad his lawyers sucked tho)- he’s clearly not intelligent.

He’s at peace, totally satisfied with what he did as the tapes of his convos to his mommy revealed.

Yes! There’s probably also some correlation to fact we are Italian and German and thus at parties the adults were stuffed with heavy Italian Christmas sausage dishes and generous amount of German lager.

Mine was early, as a small kid 4 or 5. We had our big Christmas Eve party at my grandma’s rowhouse sytle townhouse every year. It was decently sized for what it was, the problem was our family was pretty big. Gram and 3 great aunts lived there (the “Golden Girls”) on holidays they added 3 more generations of family,

That marriage was history the moments after John died when Ben’s benefactor’s and their other Trumpy right media cronies went on the offensive to sling mud at him in death for being anti-Trump.

So they’re like officially as emotionally mature as 5-year-olds, giving the silent  treatment to each other over toy sharing disputes?

There’s a right to feed Russian intelligence to credulous journalists Russian agents of influence? Wow. Who knew?

He’ll never move out that is until the rendition team gets there.