Yeah, it became pretty clear he has a MO. That’s always like the next level as to these incidents, that’s not a good sign.
Yeah, it became pretty clear he has a MO. That’s always like the next level as to these incidents, that’s not a good sign.
It’s pretty simple- the most powerful/important senior figure at her work corner her, a way junior employee, in his office looking for sex.
Here’s Patheos article exploring the initial allegations
That’s my thought, he was so revered, a black astrophysicist who opened up science to those, like me, who never really thought they could be into this stuff. Made it approachable to people who didn’t fit the mold of “old school” science, aka dirt old, upper crust white men.
Do you seriously not know contemporaneous doesnt refer to today’s times?! It means 1940s when we’re obviously directly talking about historical context of the 1940s.
Just was watching a good NatGeo documentary on the Syrian conflict/al-Assads last night that really had me down on the future of Syria, but this definitely inspires some hope.
I'd say simply because of Turkey. They are a NATO member. And they are in conflict with the Kurds, obviously.
SShh, you with your facts!
I’d venture to say besides the winter imagery, it got its Christmas ties over the decades by being covered Mr. Christmas guy Bing Crosby.
Whats in this drink could also mean...well, they drank an alarming amount back then especially along certain society sets so cocktails were way more varied (Gin rickies, old fashions, highballs, hot toddies, whiskey sours etc. it wasn’t all vodka cranberries back then.) some had outlandish ingredients you might not…
Because younger generations- which I am of, so I know full well, but I’m also a historian- don’t give a fuck about understanding or even merely exploring historical context at all.
Thanks, I did have some good therapists as a older kid/teen which made a more positive impression, both unfortunately moved however. Just my luck.
Herbal/OTC remedies are tough and rarely helpful, speaking as someone with chronic fatigue. (The only OTC product thats ever helped raise energy levels at all for me have been energy drinks and coffee, but you have to use them strategically and sparingly- I use them like on Christmas when I need energy to participate…
I like really hot baths, especially if you’re achy, I use them to manage my chronic medical problems. Epsom salts added help aches too. Dr. Teals make some cheap really nice smelling ones. Some have aromatherapy added for calming.
Thanks for the information. I’ll think about using that info for myself in a future therapist search.
Thanks for the practical response.
Some looney toon q anon pedogate Twitter lady has already falsely accused Hanks of raping her for decades starting as a child although all oofher story is impossible by mere laws of physics, timelines, and common sense, but the q anons were spreading it as proof Hanks was connected to “deep state pedos” IIRC. It was…
Aw fuck no.
JFC this is so why I can never completely open up on tough issues to a therapist and thus can’t get completely accurate, adequate counsel.
All I heard was her disavowing the women’s march because Farrakhan was a founder.