
IDK where you been or your experience, but this thrifty one can attest Payless shoes have great cushioning nowadays. Way better than any of my high end shoes I bought back when times were fatter. I have handmade suede and leather label shoes that are torturous to wear, they're why I have some Payless shoes and Skechers

Its funny once I needed black dress shoes for red carpet attire on a trip to LA and last minute found mine didn’t fit anymore so I just had time/budget to go to Payless, as a midwestern film writer the whole trip blew all my savings, and nobody remotely knew the difference. Wore them all weekend to the premiere at the

D. Or if one of the many actual Holocaust survivors of NYC came along and whacked her in the face with their cane or something.

Well, in utero children can be surprises too. That’s what I assumed she meant.

Well, in utero children can be surprises too. That’s what I assumed she meant.

It wasn’t that the worship was that bad, its almost infinitely wayyyyy worse today with our celebrity culture. It’s that regular society back then cared less about what stupid celebrities did ( “upstanding” mainstream people back then probably had little clue who Spector was, their idea of a star was Lawrence Welk,

Ah, ’Tis the season to tear gas brown refugee children.

If computers are going to start tattling on bad attitudes my life is effectively over.

The organization who advocates for the protection of uncontacted peoples (Survival International) have said just that, its very likely the whole island population could be in the midst of facing death from his germs which they have no immunity to. They may dying right now.

The local police opened a murder investigation into the non-Sentinelese modern-world dwelling Indian fishermen who illegally took Chau into the prohibited waters around the islands for money, FYI. They’ve been arrested, unfortunately.

In reply I’d ask him “why do you mentioned, do woman with curves scare you?

“Unemployed”....and yet the brother has infinitely more money than you ever will.

LOL, even those cats in the pics who are cat models look pissed as hell.

Might add Antwon’s age here, just to be clear what a special psycho this woman was. This young man was 17, a high schooler.

OMG this is nauseating. These stores are usually staffed by old women, and as they provide speciality often mass related wares that require expertise, often ex-nuns or lay people who play central church roles- Eucharistic ministers, cantors, religion teachers, rectory attendants, and such.

...And I still have no idea why my kids watch this shit.

These kind of murders always stick extra in my craw. Because he had everything, a beautiful wife and family, things others only hope to have day. That’s all most people want in life and he didn’t give a single damn about them. They were temporary disposable playthings to him. 

Is he scared of the person or scared that he was getting caught and recorded being a shithead racist on video?

I think the logical has been that Japan is “top” because they conquered and brutally subjugated China (via Machuria) and Korea in the past. In the 2nd Sino-Japanese War. Where Japan captured both territories by themselves. (China and Korea were only saved by Russo-Western intervention defeating Japan.) Actions that

Oh god. Oh I’m sorry.