
Makes about as much sense as Donald Trump’s qualifications for President, so sure!

Yep, I just checked, I'm officially old.

Yep, I just checked, I'm officially old.

Ya, I’m glad I didnt have those ideas as a teen.

I hate to tell you those of us in midwest middle market cities didn’t get PC s at home until like 1994.

The more state lodged official sanctions against the home the better.

Right?! I was thinking ooh who are these people gonna be Molsons? Rogers? Gretzkys?

Nah, nah, no, nah....if you’re a normie and a rich bilionaire wants to shower you with gifts you’re in danger. Like these two twits.

#1. I imagine its “pick yourself up by your bootstraps people”. Nationalist types who fetishize the military.

War service though directly worsens mental illness and turns more benign mentally ill persons into mass killers when they might not have been before. It’s a trigger essentially. Thats what he’s saying. (Even healthy minds come out of combat exposure shaken, which is why there’s a limit to how long soldiers can serve

You know what most pharmaceutical companies mostly do, save lives. (Seriously, the opioid epidemic is traceable to 1 single company/their owning family out of hundreds even thousands of other companies. One.)

Same. My heart rate plummeted and I had to be pulled out by emergency c-section. 

Thank you, I’m glad somebody else saw that last bullshit line. Its been proven we’re having the huge childbirth mortality rates here because of lack of access to medical care.

Not always infection, weird shit can come out in healthy people from various outside factors- activity and environment wise, and in people with certain conditions like endometriosis as part of the disease.

You hit it, I’m stuck in white suburbia but happen to fall in several minority classes myself, so I get to observe up close and from the opposing perspective. For all the white women here it all comes down to abortion. They are either so self-righteous or such uneducated or deluded yuppie or trophy wives they can only

IDk I see glimmers, my state was won by Trump by 17 points. We just had an anti-Semitic mass slaughter attack 2 weeks ago, so we have issues.

Correct, It might've been a play or novel before What Price Hollywood the movie too ICR.

Here’s mine from them specific point. As a film historian& theorist I think over reliance on narrative surprises and the fanaticism of the anti-spoilers is mostly bullshit concepts worked up by petulent modern audiences (IDK I always think of Big Bang Theory type hyper superhero movie man-children fans) who mistake

People could’ve jumped to that conclusion from for 4 prior versions too, so goes the spoilers argument in this particular case.

Yeah, I was surprised anybody was caught off-guard by this too, its the whole famous point of these very famous “A Star Is” movies. This seems so avoidable.