
You have to go back one more degree still! 1937 was written based off of the earlier 1932 film “What Price Hollywood?

Same. I didn’t exceed in height or weight tho, because my dad was 6'4" 240, I just got to an age (13/14) where I was going to fight back and made it too much trouble to beat on me. If he was gonna hit me, I was gonna scratch, bite, gouge, kick him in the nuts, whatever as he did it.

If they get rid of SNS I think the site’s over. The “regulars” are dwindling as is, and that would cause the rest to stop visiting and thus the entire comments section would falter. 

This is my exactly personal experience too at least.

Eh, I wouldn’t say this is an accurate universal representation enough to peg the character. I have Asperger’s and I certainly have empathy. In fact too much empathy, people’s hurt becomes my own and I suffer severe anxiety for it. That’s the hypersensitivity of autism.

LOL that’s what I was thinking too, “aren’t you just a waitress that wasn't good enough to live off of your tips on the ground?!”

I’ve been here since a few years before Gawkers demise, I’m certain I’ve heard there are “the others” that peruse the comments and can enforce things they wish to. I don’t remember them being called moderators per se, it might have been editors, but their are others besides the writers.

Back when I was younger and in a less anti-capitalist mood I spent a small nestegg in total on high dollar auction collectibles, specifically original movie posters from the 50s & prior, as diversified non-tradition tanigble asset investments. I dabbled in movie prop memoribilia too. (Its a weird niche I know but film

How does he not have like scurvy or something?!

My grandfather proposed to my grandmother’s cousin after grandma died young of breast cancer (apparently he didnt know a lot of eligible women on the cousin thing), and did so by letter (as she lived out of state, but a very sweet letter). She said no because she didn’t want stepkids.

No good story ever starts with a male gynecologist.

Thanks, I don’t mind advice. I’ve been thinking the same thing about just stepping back, maybe getting away, and doing like a total sensory health retreat. Rent a cabin or something. Just go and do nothing but reading, watch movies, get in nature, painting. I think that might help. We used to do that as a family when

Thank you. I’ve been thinking the same, about unplugging from everything, I think it might be one of the things that I could actually do that would be good for me mentally to go somewhere in nature for like a month and do nothing but be. Just a total reboot.

Idk if anybody will see this or even if I want anyone to, but the past 2 years have been the worst of my life. From trans hating Nazi loving Trump in 2016, to my mother being diagnosed with fatal cancer in 2017, to my worsening illness, and today somebody perpetrated the worst anti-Semitic attack in US not just in my

NO they are RELATED! Remember, Poplawski the guy who did the police shooting was a neo-Nazi too. I can’t recall if they used it in trial, but post-trial it came out his online activities were heavily neo-Nazi involved and thats where he became inspired to attack cops. He was an active Stormfront visitor. Heres some

Hi, my back yard too going to school. I was just in the area Tuesday for Dr. appointment. (I actually told my mom after, “God, I wish I had the money to live there! Its the best place to live in the city!)

This was right in my neck of the woods and I don’t know anybody involved but the news alone has been devastating.

My god, the movie about keeping that secret as an national athlete in 1958 USSR would be fucking terrifying.

I can’t believe CTE actually has it’s own stans. But it does fill in the blanks on “what kind of crazy” a person has to be to do something like this.

Dude how can you forget to add the UNCONQUERED” part?!