She’s not a myth, no it’s not that whimsically benign. These women are deliberate local GOP connected plants they’re using to dupe the media into covering this supposed voter indecision. Indecision thats totally fake.
She’s not a myth, no it’s not that whimsically benign. These women are deliberate local GOP connected plants they’re using to dupe the media into covering this supposed voter indecision. Indecision thats totally fake.
She’s not a myth, no it’s not that whimsically benign. These women are deliberate local GOP connected plants they’re using to dupe the media into covering this supposed voter indecision. Indecision thats totally fake.
Meanwhile, I literally just finally got word on Tuesday....I’M GETTING SURGERY IN JANUARY!!!
Well, the person with the penis for one.
The trolls are EVERYWHERE IN HERE.
The fuck outta here with this transparently incendiary bullshit.
And Heather Heyer just up and had a heart attack! She died well before that fine young railroaded Republican was forced by that bloodthirsty fearsome mob of clergy and pacifists protestors to drive “near” her.
JFC are you serious? That’s a hard as hell 25. I assumed he was 40s or minimum pushng them.
Charlie lives on donations from the richest Americans (essentially, private welfare) and thinks that’s capitalism, so I wouldn’t put enough stock in his understanding of socialism to be concerned about it.
Well, on the bright side we pulled out of the Russian nuclear deal so we’re all just one Puty hissy fit away from being put out of the endless misery of these racist pigs.
I just saw on PBS tonight ironically, eugenics is actually still permissible in the US from the early 20th century Supreme Court Carrie Buck ruling (The “3 generations of imbeciles” famous case) which has never been overturned. [Nazi’s criminal defense attorneys at the Nuremburg trials actually used that ruling as…
I don’t for a minute buy the political wedge issue excuse, from my personal experience, there’s a real fear here by Trump by Republicans. They are scared people besides straight, CIS gender people are gaining any rights that puts us on our human and Constitutionally-given right of equal footing in society.
You definitely aren’t alone, this sounds a lot like the famous case of David Reimer and his doctor.
Dear lord, what kind of question is that?! (JK) That’s like as specific as asking for recommendations for music with lyrics like where do you even start? There’s so many categories. Its hard to say without any more info.
Really old movies and TV shows soothe me. Like random stuff The Thin Man or Perry Mason. The stories are somewhat corny now but I like the warm atmosphere of those time periods. Where they were so prim and proper and always caught every bad guy.
Really though? Every single headline would just be “Headliney McHeadlineface” if we crowd sourced them.
That’s actually false! (Purposely lapsed, but before that theologically educated Catholic here- so this is like my area of expertise...I guess). In Catholicism once you’re baptized and baptism is registered with the Vatican you are a Catholic forever unless directly expelled by the church via ex-communicated or you…
I can see it. Of course I was once forced to eat home butchered venison by my older sister without my knowledge or consent as a little kid (while she knew I was very finicky about what I ate and asked only for beef) and it was definitely fucked up morally and trust wise to not be in control of what you put inside your…
My first thought was perhaps because she was presenting herself as more masculine. IDK if she is indeed transgender but my fellow FTM antenna went up when I saw her pics and that she was going by the less feminine “Mar”.
Have a toddler with unmedicated ADHD and a history of running and hiding to where you’ve had to call the police to find him, and a history of terrible accidents even when under close watch (falling out of a window) because of his hyperactivity and your family decide to take a vacation. Like to Disney. You’ll use a…