
Markle seems like the kind of drunk lady that breaks a beer bottle on the biggest dude in bar‘s head and leaves her boyfriend to face the beatdown consequences while she runs outside and slashes big dude’s truck tires while screaming “how yo like me now Meghan! Ya bitch!”, then passes out spread eagle on the valet

IDK on that one. But I’ve noticed Samantha Markle’s eyebrows are at 2 completely different and distant levels of her forehead. It's puzzling how that would occur.

I have 3 Samantha Markle sisters (and a Thomas dad) and I’m so beyond disturbed by them its no longer upsetting, it’s moved into that they’re so shamelessly unstable I can only laugh at it all.

I would’nt believe Lena fricking Dunham either, I can’t imagine anyone who works in high stakes real world professions would. I think that’s why it was brushed off. The messenger was the village idiot.

You know there’s a growing suspicion in some in DC, since the whole Trump/Clinton Russia dirt operation thing, and all the various sex scandals the GOP has weaponized to take Dems down (Franken, Schneiderman) since then, and supported by her brazen statements like that, that Monica actually mightve been a honeypot to

No, not nessecarily, I’ve never this tripe in particular because you couldn’t pay me to waste my time that way, but not everything filmed makes it in the film print. That doesn’t mean filming it wasn’t extremely child-porn esq illegal. And god know what happened to the footage they filmed of all it. All it takes is an

Nickelodeon. I think he’s had enough sense to go underground since. Hes totally dropped off the radar since Weinstein and Farrow and all.

Her sister is basically still holding her down and using the old “why are you hitting yourself?” as she beats Megan with her own hands. She never matured passed that shit.

Oh yes she will guaranteed. I have that sister and father. Its all going to be about how this brand new kid they’ve never met (& hopefully never will) is a personal insult to them.

Seriously I’m so happy about this. We did it fam! We got some color into the whitest, oldest, patriachiest establishment!

Naw, Jez has turned into a strictly Pete/Grande breakup blog all of a sudden. Like 3 posts in one night.

Mr. Rogers!

Naw, involuntary and indefinite psychiatric institutionalization would be a far worse and more useful punishment.

OK, I’m not trying to name drop, its just I don’t drink so don’t go to parties really, the one proper one I did was more than enough...

And that’s not even getting into the whole public transit infrastructure destruction threat those companies are. 

And that’s not even getting into the whole public transit infrastructure destruction threat those companies are. 

And that’s not even getting into the whole public transit infrastructure destruction threat those companies are. 

That’s face of intelligent America since 2016. That right there.

1000% Terry Crews. 

3 out of 13?! You’re fucking out of your mind or a deliberately malicious troll.