
Oh Rich, bud, there is ssssooooooo much more going on with Tony Curtis and George C. Scott than you mentioned here, going way back into the 1960s+ you could’ve dove into.

I’m so done now. Damn my naivety in letting her slide on being completely reviled, because she does clearly show signs of spousal emotional abuse, all sympathy now goes out the window the moment she is clearly, unequivocally joining in on perpetuating the abuse of others here. 

Yep, isn’t this a magical fucking world where all of a sudden despite every single court in the US using it as evidence, that direct witness testimony from the victim is now not evidence?

OMG I can’t believe I’m not alone in this! We're like a club.

Thank you. 

Same, I was an abused kid. And first time my older sibling took me to a haunted house they came at us with a real chainsaw (without a chain, but I didn’t know that being 7) I went right into survival, fight or flight mode and bolted for dear life. You couldn’t go back to get out due to the crowd and chainsaw guy was

Even black dads with light skinned biracial kids have to be freaked out anymore. Or since ever really.

Does it maybe stop the Fortnite, cause I’d be open to it that case?

James Franco has a lot of power and in Hollywood you “play nice” until someone’s completely fallen (like Weinstein) or you’re ostracized.

“This happened while filming” could really be a whole fucking investigative expose book.

Brett Kavanaugh. People believe what they want to believe, its easier than accepting the truth and facing the hard consequences of taking responsible action to institute career & social reparations that are extremely inconvenient.

He was actually written specifically in the mold of Cary Grant, so by that logic Bond should be bisexual then too.

The current school of thought on respectful communication is “female” is dehumanizing and an animalistic adjective. You mostly refer to non-human animals as male/female- female dog, female cat, etc. It’s depersonalizing.

She inherited her producer title/ownership through her father. She was an entitled Hollywood golden era born princess, so of course she’s not here for breaking new barriers for women. So has not motivation to do so. She “got hers” already, so promoting empowering women isnt of interest to her.

I dont think you realize the full perineum tearing reality until at least high school age, from health and human biology classes.

It pains me to have to say a critical word of her with all she’s been through but its a simple situation.

Sorry to pry, but my input is predicated on this- is he actually a pro sports player athlete? Or just a recreational type athlete.

Where can I read your cinema books? Or perhaps I already have. You read like a film writer, I've noticed.

If this be our lot, I hope to god it at least enrages the left to take to the polls like never before next month. Nationally, state, locally sweep GOP out of every office possible so definitively they shit themselves and self-destruct on the 2020 campaign too.

As classic film critic/historian I can verify its been a key term since at least the 1970s and birth of widespread academic criticism.