
Bernie unfortunately has Kremlin suspicion clouds over him too. Plus he has never and will never be here for the Democratic party and all liberals, his only purpose in 2016 was to fracture and attack Democrats for the overall purposes of making us lose and help Trump and that’s what he did. He’d do it again gleefully

Fact to think on- normal mammograms didn’t catch either breast cancer occurrence of my mom, only her self exams could feel the lumps in her particular cases. That’s not entirely uncommon apparently too.

My mom has had breast cancer twice, currently has terminal stage 4 MBC. Both times she found the lumps herself by self-exams, despite following all doctors screening and standard imaging guidelines religiously.

Recalling everything thats happened with MeToo with Kavanaugh this week I was wondering about Spacey!

Got it coach! Thank you!

The BTBI (Black Twitter Bureau of Investigations) never fails.

And when McDonald’s insisted you pay for your already eaten order anyways you called it extortion!

Your post gives me such hope because man am I the exact same person and recently hitting mid-30s, I’ve been really starting to lose hope about ever being able to connect with people like that.

My sister was in precisely the same situation as you. With no job and 3 kids. And having to pay for this guys medical care. She had family but what really helped was getting a lawyer who deals with these things. (You’re already in debt, so you just have to accept the need to run up slightly more for them to right the

My hillbilly neighbors set shit on fire in their yard firepit all the time and seem remarkably happy. Maybe that is truly the secret to life, it’s just none of us smarty pants dared to look in Appalachia for it.

Limited is code for “we don’t even understand the judicial mandates the FBI legally operates under” (they’ll follow all evidence wherever it goes, mystery debts included).

The “I don’t remember because I (and my judicial BFF) was shitfaced, black out drunk, underage, all through high school” line, too, would look fabulous.

I wish it was more truely tin foily though really, cuz that would be such a relief. It’s just so bananas that its true though, like the craziest cold war shit. Voraciously studying Russian operations all over the world since the fall of several dictators during the Obama admin and the clear new war its caused them to

I believe skeezy Mark already said he’d plead the 5th.

It 100% makes sense when you realize Kavanaugh is Russia’s choice. Really, he’s got huge shady money debts that ultimately are within Semion Moglivech’s control, as he controls global mob activity, and is Putin’s partner in leverage. He was chosen by them because of it to safeguard fellow Russian investment Trump.

Yeah, this sounds exactly like CTE from all the cases I’ve studied (I ‘m a high risk for CTE candidate myself from PCS, I’ve had to look into it). Aaron Hernandez and Chris Benoit both specifically mentioned the “demons” chasing them terminology. And god telling them to do things.

IDK, he at one time had almost half a billion fortune. I think claims and moves to make it look like it is all completely gone to where needs a 30 mil loan for legal cost is some BS setting up stiffing his civil clamaints ala OJ. That much money just doesnt disappear that quickly even in his position of needing tons

Yeah with prison crowding with good behavior (he’ll be on a secure unit that will be easy), considering his bad health, he’ll serve half of the 3 for sure, but after that he’s prime for early release at any time. 

Moppet, wow?! I’m at a loss, one of the best people. Been here forever.

All these ex-Gawker sites, "Gizmodo Media Group".