
I’m ashamed to admit I did not forget, I ignorantly did not know she was also involved in the prior exposes. Totally my fault perpetuating this problem leaving her out.

They need Kavanaugh and only Kavanaugh because there is a clear implication here that the Russian mob and its American proxies have something on Kavanaugh- his massive mysterious debts, gambling, or knowledge of even worse sex attack allegations. Allegations which make him fully controllable by Trumps handlers, Putin

It gets worse the Avenatti client allegation details are horrific. They say Kavanaugh, Mark Judge, and a crew had a running conspiracy to target drunk women at house parties specifically to run gang rape “trains” on them.

This was my first thought too, good lord I’m scared for him with all the horrible people he’s exposing and the evil allies they have. (Putin has certainly killed people for less. And Kavanaugh was Putin's pick of course.)

Wow, Ronan, gets the bad dude again.

Geez, You really could like do a dozen more comments for the Wings players here just of the last decade alone.

Are you the church of Scientology or something?!

Agree 100%. As a kid I asked a few people for autographs, wrestlers (lol), and it always made me feel weird for some reason.

Ugh, I’m so jealous the camera really weirds the crap out of my cat. She hides.

*This whole administration, its supporters, and today’s right wing, you mean.

David, IDK if you guys caught this or not yet too but- Kavanaugh’s judge mentor? Yeah, is Judge Alex Kozinski, notorious sexual harrasser who just resigned from the bench due to it.

Oh mah gerd what a pretty cat! And they’re smiling for the camera too!

Totally, and they can make so much difference. 

It does not hurt to ask around about successful admissions strategies and what each school’s admission departments are looking for/have a tendency to like before applying. (Ask around casually during the tour/visit, or if you know students, or in Facebook college parent groups, your high school academics counselors

Same, I’ve read a lot of colleges are having huge problem with those little white alt-right shithead students giving the schools trouble (ala Kent State), causing disrupting demos just to anger the other students, inviting racist speakers, and launching lawsuits, sometimes with backing of national right wing figures

Oh wow, it has to be so creepy this lady was thinking this off the wall and so close to her. Scary AF. Like reminds of the Selena situation.


There has been 3 mass shootings in the last 24hrs. here in the US, 2 workplace, 1 in a magistrate court by a domestic abuser with a grudge.

OMG wait wait wait. Is that Gary Earl Ross the professor/playwright from University of Buffalo?!

Trump did not find Kavanaugh by accident! Someone that flawed with huge mystery debts, who needs the majority of his documents withheld, and who’s already said he won’t vote to support any matters reaching the Supreme Court on Trump’s removal.