“Do you believe in Merkles?”
“Do you believe in Merkles?”
There's no nasty like Sag-Nasty.
Gorgeous 914! I love aircooleds. I love them so much. Rare wacky versions = even more love.
I was wondering when this was going to show up in a Tavarish special.
Username checks out.
An ES like that would be the most disappointing Christmas gift ever.
Looks like a Sunfire. Someone did her a favor.
When he learns about - filters, it’s gonna blow his dick out his asshole.
Scientist here, who worked in a lab that helped develop the HPV vaccine: the HPV vaccine is incredibly safe and works incredibly well. It often gave a much higher rate of total protection than other vaccines (which often have a certain failure rate due to each person’s particular immune response).
Rob Gronkowski, who will bleed Grey Goose if you cut him, had quite a year. After the Patriots won the Super Bowl,…
I’m just kidding. I...I don’t have a job.
You guys slay me sometimes. Seriously?
Alas, Timbuktu was ravaged by the unrest there of the last few years due to the Libya implosion. Many historical sites took a beating. Would have been good 10 years ago, though tensions are always high there. Legitimate grievances are ignored for the preservation of the status quo by the international community.
He's been released from the shackles of societal expectations and has no idea what to do. Why not start with a vigorous round of pocket pool?