
“Do you believe in Merkles?”

There's no nasty like Sag-Nasty.

Gorgeous 914! I love aircooleds. I love them so much. Rare wacky versions = even more love.

I was wondering when this was going to show up in a Tavarish special.



Username checks out.

An ES like that would be the most disappointing Christmas gift ever.

the lexus middle-management.

Looks like a Sunfire. Someone did her a favor.

I can do that.

When he learns about - filters, it’s gonna blow his dick out his asshole.

Scientist here, who worked in a lab that helped develop the HPV vaccine: the HPV vaccine is incredibly safe and works incredibly well. It often gave a much higher rate of total protection than other vaccines (which often have a certain failure rate due to each person’s particular immune response).

Nuke it.

I’m just kidding. I...I don’t have a job.

You guys slay me sometimes. Seriously?

He's been released from the shackles of societal expectations and has no idea what to do. Why not start with a vigorous round of pocket pool?