
But who did he celebrate his birthday with?

I figured that the other two people to whom Price is referring are Wellick and White Rose. He knows how powerful White Rose is, and it's the only person that he will capitulate to (see their rainy stroll 1-2 episodes ago).

The musical cues during Angela's computer file downloading scene were genius. Fast paced music while our hearts are beating 200 mph to see if the files download and she gets away with it, then a sudden and unexpected cutoff to silence.

Enrollment at the Baskets Career College just skyrocketed. Ice Cream Truck repair is a sought after degree.

This shows how little thought the "traditional" political machinery gave the scary Internets back in the day. What would be the turning point when they realized that the internet was a bigger medium than print or TV? I think it was 2008 as the DNC mobilized small groups to get out the vote and all that jazz.

This shows how little thought the "traditional" political machinery gave the scary Internets back in the day. What would be the turning point when they realized that the internet was a bigger medium than print or TV? I think it was 2008 as the DNC mobilized small groups to get out the vote and all that jazz.

ALF has the blood of a million cats on his claws…

It was all worth it for ALF and the "bug eyes" crack from Darlene. Did it go on too long? Maybe, but I give this show credit for having the balls to take risks.

I'm still curious what station in the country airs ALF.

This was a very cool and interesting interview, thanks!

But there would still be sex, right?

I went back and listened to the credits again. I swear you can hear Eliot being pummeled for at least the first 15-20 seconds of the credits. The sickening thuds and grunts are inescapable in the background.

The tan makes the shorts pop, the shorts make the tan pop - Dee Reynolds

Agreed. Hopefully they flesh out the character a bit more, as I'm no PC cop, but the woman bashing gets old and is losing its humor. By the end of this episode I was saying "yes, we know he treats women like garbage, can we move on?".

I took the reaction shot as "what the fuck are they doing out there?" Not "are they working together?" As Gamby was telling Lee "walk behind me", I took it to imply a homosexual connotation.

Dr Bill Cosby.

I've been a huge fan of his since The Shield, then Hateful Eight showed everyone what a talent he is, now this is displaying his comedic genius. Although he did a great job as his alias "Cletus van Damme" on The Shield.

The first thing I said when he walked up to the Hound was "heng dei"!!!

He would beat you and weep as he was doing so.

Awesome, underrated movie for three things: