
That was the best part of this whole finale. The fact that we had the true tragedy staring us right in the face, but we were too blinded by the characters' self centered perspectives to see it.

I sure hope they superimposed him onto that fence, as no goat should have to suffer like that from hipster idealism.

This part defeated the purpose of the schlong scanner and made an episode about a guy drowning himself to get to another world and hear a song to stop a world ending flood COMPLETELY unbelievable.

I thought he was a priest, but a quick Google search rectified my confusion.

God, that final scene with Kevin and Laurie was terrific. Heartbreaking and funny as they recalled the old days, yet she told him she couldn't be there for his drowning. I'm going to miss this show so much……..

But the way he played into the con was gold, Jerry, pure gold! Telling the cop he sounds sharp and that he should call him if he wants work when he's off duty is a classic diversion technique to flatter a person and throw them off their game.

I knew this was the Jinn episode when I went to watch it and my streaming service showed that it had a 5.5/10 rating (vs the usual upper 7 / low 8 that the other two had). Just because it isn't your bag doesn't mean you should trash a piece of art for it.

Tonight's episode was like an episode of Seinfeld directed by Kubrick. Matt is George, driving everyone insane and making everyone uncomfortable with his far out schemes. Lori is Elaine, and the fighting between the two of them was priceless.

Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs demonstrated one method called "the tuck" (le tuck in French). It's the second most famous thing he's known for.

The total lack of lion themed orgy parties almost lost me, but I'm glad I stuck it out as well

I'm still wondering how Captain Aceveda found time to get his pilot's license and bring down Vic Mackie. Dude is a crazy multitasker.

Random casting fact: both Bob Odenkirk (Jimmy) and Huell were in Breaking Bad.

If Cranston keeps making dog crap movies like Power Rangers, he'll be begging for a supporting role as Jesse's chemistry teacher back in the good old days.

He did a lot of female impersonations on Mr Show. The dude is a chameleon.

He deficated through a sunroof!!!

I think there should be a spinoff where Carrie's real life husband, who was the d*ck head of the CIA on Homeland from season 4-5 tracks down these scammers with Peter Quinn and Dar Adal as his black ops team.

Maybe as good as "look at the picture again". As that's when I realized that he was truly having another breakdown.

Two random thoughts:

I know. "I just stood up to them, told them 'you're in Trump country now!', and they ran away like little putos!".

Dude, I live in Michigan as well and don't let this guy, the Nichols brothers (Google it if you are too young), and Ted Nugent give us a bad name. I prepare for the apocalypse but I keep it on the DL.