
All this aside, Gus's speech to his employees made me want to pick up arms and storm the Rio Grande. He's been attending too many Trump rallies.

It almost brought a tear to my eye when I remembered that Mike's last encounter with Kaylee was (SPOILER) leaving her on the swingset because that scumbag lawyer sold him out and he had to run.

Objection, irrelevant.

If you are a fan of this particular Murray brother, check out the deranged "God Bless America". It's directed by Bobcat Goldthwait and Murray shotguns a screaming infant within the first five minutes.

Brought to you by the Starz CEO of Hardcore Nudity (not associated with the HBO CEO of Tits).

"We shall never kowtow to the shitstains at Amazon! Buy HBO Now to see hardcore nudity and crazy metaphysical nonsense or die!" - HBO CEO of Tits

Good catch. Man, this show throws better curves than Nolan Ryan.

I think it's different for women, but guys feel more than a thing. It feels like someone is pulling barbed wire through your johnson.

Too bad he made lousy blintzes.

Yep, my girlfriend is a nursing student so I've heard of the Foley catheter. It does hurt for a dude, as it feels like someone is pulling fire out of your pecker.

Wasn't there a plot point where Matt was visiting KG Sr in the mental ward and basically egging him on with the "voices in his head" issue? I seem to remember Jr being really pissed at Matt over that.

Perfect Strangers reboot casting call questionnaire

Yes, but quick lesson on snakes: pin down the head and cut it off, as the jaws will still reflexively bite after death (see tonight's episode).

I googled it. Ian is nowhere near the top result. A lot of ladies, but no McShane.

I recently had my first experience with a catheter and its removal is one of the most painful things ever. Glenn was a bada$$ before, but he went up ten notches after that scene.

Opinion poll: is there any other show on TV as satisfying yet depressing as the Leftovers? This whole episode was one big kick in the balls.

He's such a nice dude. Until he threatens to kill your "INFANT DAUGHTER!"

I'm glad we finally got an explanation as to where Jimmy/Saul got the idea for Walter & Jesse to pay him $1 each as a retainer. Him paying Kim $20 was such a throwback to that moment that it made me chuckle.

And lost truckloads do happen… I used to work in logistics for a food processor and you'd have to write off truckloads of product to spoilage due to refrigeration issues.

Trump will bring all these jobs back to Murica once the wall is built