
"Check out the speakers I put in the back. I call them the dogs, listen to them bark!"

GREAM was a far less popular song by the Wu-Tang Clan

Gears in Heaven is an awful song

Eh, if every job you ever had only lasted a week to a few months, would you really want all of them listed on an unregulated resume? A buddy of mine who worked out in Hollywood said the same thing that Madsen did, but without as much professional language (and he's nowhere near as famous).

This gives a whole new meaning to the lyrics in "Cream".

Overruled, as there is sufficient precedent of the Ol Dirty Bastard stating on record that he will "fu*k your a$$ up".

I need to call my lawyer and reopen my divorce decree. That succubus made away with seasons 2-3, 6, & 8. It was not a very cromulent outcome for me…

Chicago Sunroof > Cleveland Steamer > Detroit Demolition

Rolling Stone is drafting a 35 page article on this thread as we speak

"Technically" is my favorite term in the English language. Technically…

No, but I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of Gustavo Fring… If Mike is his bag man, then is the vet the lynchpin of the whole BB universe?

Joe Estevez is "Leaktaker"

I was just reviewing the MST3K Wiki for this one and it reminded me of one of my favorite lines: "Damn Bumpasses' dinosaurs!"

"You know, I could point out that it’s not the future, and there isn’t a war, but you know me: I don't like to complain." - Crow T. Robot

The one act play that was the cold open was some of the best writing this show has produced in a long time. Morgan has the potential to really breathe new life into this show.

I've been told that I'd stay out of jail if I kept my hands to myself…

When Korl grabbed her knife hand, I shrieked in pain for the poor lad. He needs The Talk™ (after his Dad is done beating citizens in the street), or else he will be in for a messy couple of years with a questionably sane knife-wielding lass.

Yes, Carol kept repeating that she was "invisible" and it got so repetitive that I was expecting Pee Wee to jump out and say it was the "secret word" of the day.

Call me out if I'm out of line, but there is a little too much going on here. The muted colors (because all superheroes are darker these days), yet the throwback tights & miniskirt because she is a "girl" after all. I'm not saying oversexualize the character, but figure out what you're going for and do it.

It's CBS, so she's contractually obligated to start each episode with a cold open wherein she removes her sunglasses, fires off a witty remark, and a Who song comes blaring onto my TV. I think CBS got a package deal and "Magic Bus" is still available.