
This costume is approved by Catholic nuns worldwide.

"Sounds like an old time car horn, K-Uger!"

If your definition of a "den mother" is shooting a 12 year old girl in the face, then she is an outstanding den mother!

She can't reach the pedals on the ridiculously huge truck. Are the doors open on the trucks in Canada, just like in the US?


Yes. It will be along the lines of "kids, clear your browser's history, you don't want to wind up blacklisted like somebody I know".

I say you let me have him first!

I'd say Shakespeare in Love because it was like Hollywood collectively jerking off into a chalice and passing it around to marvel at the beauty of its shimmering glare. That and it robbed Saving Private Ryan, which according to my grandpa (who was at the Battle of the Bulge) "showed what war was like for him".

She called me rodent!!!

How am I the first person to post an "Asian driver" comment? Come on, people!