After an NA Miata, an Up! would feel like a tank I think. And I particularly love that feeling of being in my Miata next to a semi’s so absurd :P
After an NA Miata, an Up! would feel like a tank I think. And I particularly love that feeling of being in my Miata next to a semi’s so absurd :P
There are a lot of Fiat 500s in my area, and Chevy Sparks too. I think an Up! would do plenty well in the urban areas of the US, especially because it’s better than a 500 or a Spark!
How many years did VW claim they’d bring the Polo here? And still no Polo. I’m a pretty big VW fan, I’m on my 3rd one out of the 5 cars I’ve owned to date, but VWoA sucks. They really suck the fun out of VW products in the US.
I have to admit, I’ve been on this kick (without knowing the Dutch called it Niksen) for a couple years. What an eye-opening thing it is, to have the confidence and calmness to interact with the world the way YOU want to, as opposed to how the people around you EXPECT you to.
I am beyond ready for the fossil fuel era to be over...what a ridiculous joke this all is.
I definitely would put glossy wood and piano black plastic at the bottom below carbon fiber. Good call on the matte wood at the top.
I really like that style! Looks great! I never thought I’d be saying that about Forever 21.
LOL nope.
In case you haven’t noticed, the rich are VERY rich these days, and obscene speculative investing is de rigeur across the board.
If you want to know the story of GAC, just turn the clock back to the 90s and look at Hyundai/Kia. Or the 70s and the Japanese brands. We’ve seen this show before, folks.
Lord, I think of an aerosol product from the 60s for your TIRES and I just wonder how much cancer and environmental death is in that can ><
Sorry, I had this knot in my back that was driving me crazy...
Before I knew anything? I was 6 and my neighbor has a red late-model used 4 cylinder 1988 Chrysler LeBaron convertible. I offered to wash it every weekend until I got my permit if they would give it to me. I always got the keys to idle the motor and put the top up and down. I washed it for nearly two years before I…
Le Mans was similarly panned for its pacing, but I loved it. I much prefer a moody, plodding, walks-softly-but-carries-a-big-stick drama than any whizbang action flick.
“The Ford Ranger is finally back”.
That’s Nimbus Gray, exclusive to the Mk1 TT Roadster, in the US anyway. That photo does make it look a bit lighter and greener/yellow than reality, the white balance and exposure are a bit off.
Nimbus Gray! One of my absolute favorites. Only available on the Mk1 TT roadster (for limited years, I think).
It’s pretty shocking that half the people on the road in this country are allowed licenses given our terrible drivers ed and near total lack of licensure followup...I dream of a world where licensing standards are higher, and you gotta retake written/practical exams every 5-10 years. Enough to get AT LEAST the bottom…
This interests me greatly just because I’ve had (limited) experience running high quality, street legal, non-studded winter performance tires for a couple winters when I lived in Washington State, and as a Californian who’s been raised mostly on all-seasons (including those occasional trips to the snowy mountains) or…
Toyota’s current color lineup is probably the best thing about the brand. So many great, eye-catching, and very interesting colors available on Toyotas!