
Testing on the Nurburgring is just fine, it just has to be weighted appropriately against all the other testing that you do, given the vehicle’s class and mission and price point.

Crossovers are a great sell to folks who want “one car that does everything” (it’s comfy, fuel economy’s OK, I can pack my family or friends into it, or gear for camping or activities! Yadda yadda). Wagons do most of that with a slight bent toward better handling and economy, but aren’t offered by manufacturers to

FanBoost is one of those things that we thought was going to be stupid, and then we watched it and turns it out it doesn’t do much of anything, the only reason it’s there is an excuse for social media interaction with the fans to make them feel involved without really doing anything.

I must be getting so cynical because I look at all that and think...clever marketing. A lot of clever marketing.

*sigh* dude, I was molested as a kid too. It was by a straight person, doesn’t mean I hate straight people...

Fuck you. We’re not accepting second class citizen status to suit your delicate sensibilities. Grow the fuck up and allow others to live their lives in their own pursuit of happiness and success, IT DOESN’T HURT YOU ONE DAMNED BIT.

Wow, what a disappointingly misogynistic statement from someone I used to think was above that crap...guess not. Minus several points for DC.

Wheeler Dealers is a good show...I can enjoy it as someone who wrenches to a reasonably advanced level on my own cars. My dad enjoys it as someone who just passingly likes cars. My mom enjoys it as someone who doesn’t understand what I’m doing in the garage at all. The hosts are genial, the cars and builds are

Donald Trump is the poster child for real, actual mental illness. Our culture still thinks of mental illness in terms of straightjackets and the loony bin, or something similarly crude, but the reality is that Trump’s history is consistent with how he acts: a hurt child who has never grieved and, instead, adopted his

This is how little respect for government and other states besides ours this “administration” (it doesn’t do what it says on the tin) has. It’s expressing it everywhere it possibly can. It says, screw the state! The only state will be the American corporo-state.

It’s really unfortunate how quality and luxury have become near synonymous...what does that leave the mainstream? Oh yeah, disposable crap...

Quality and robustness is important. It’s honestly one of the best things we can do as a society...rejecting disposable consumerism and embracing an enterprising system of investment in long-lasting, quality items.

My car ownership isn’t quite the colors I love (oranges and greens and electric blues and non-metallic grays...and for the right car, a crisp pure white is fantastic), mostly because I choose the car I want and then get it in the best color I can get my hands on. The colors I listed are not offered on most models...

Can’t stand these fuckers. Be patient and get in line, it helps everyone!

*sigh* I’ve never been one to really root for one team massively over others, but I had a soft spot for McLaren thanks to the Button-Hamilton years where the cars looked great and they were competitive, and it’s just sad to continue to watch them fail over, and over, and over again...McLaren getting back into the top

It sounds like the same engine sounds as ‘16, but they’re in the throttle more and using more revs thanks to the higher grip. Just one hypothesis....but they used to be way more power and torque than grip, and the drivers really had to tiptoe around. They should be more balanced out now. Could be good, even though

Ouch, 180 in a 3500 ‘12 Escape V6 is 240 in 3700ish and it boogies OK when I poke it hard enough, but it’s transmission is also slow to respond and it’s geared wide on a car that is pretty top-end heavy, even if the VVT noticeably improves the midrange compared to the older ones...

What I always remember about the Dodge Nitro is, it came out back in the day when I was a regular reader of Edmunds (before they became “WE ONLY CARE ABOUT BEIGE CAMRYS”) and their performance testing on the Dodge Nitro resulted in a 60-0 braking distance of something like 155 feet, compared to the 100-120 range you

Uh, no. I see zero logical connection between what I said and what you said.

I can’t argue with that. I guess I see it as who drives it more; I would agree governments are being passive, with dollar signs in their eyes, when they should step in and say no to these things.