“...it paid 40 percent of its earnings to a traffic company that ran the unmanned speed camera system...”
“...it paid 40 percent of its earnings to a traffic company that ran the unmanned speed camera system...”
The global perspective is, we should all move passed this. But as long as it’s nation vs. nation, we’re going to love everytime we invent new ways to fuck with people first, and hate everytime someone else beats us to it...
Thank you for talking about what’s important these days, instead of distracting garbage.
Steve Bannon is a literal nazi and pretty much the closest thing we’re going to get to a supervillain in the White House. There is plenty of ammo to go after this horrible, horrible man. We don’t need to be spreading photoshopped images of his face and claiming he’s diseased, this just detracts from the actual points…
The question you beg is...are cars privileges, or rights?
Two thoughts:
I’m a car enthusiast. I’m also someone who understands there are important reasons to tax road users or charge registration fees, encourage older cars off the road, enforce emissions compliance, make sure people are insured, etc. If it were a true free for all on the roads we would be clamoring for some form of…
On Blu-Ray in April?
Taking a tour bus from Grenoble to Cannes over the Route Napoleon...it was hard to enjoy the scenery, we didn’t stop at all, it was super twisty and lasted hours, and I got incredibly, incredibly nauseous. Never puked, just mile after mile of being nauseous.
Can you use it as a club if it’s big enough?
Jeez, you are good at just having bad logic, aren’t you? You do not understand cause and effect and you make spurious connections...you must read Breitbart or something equally garbage if this if how you see the world (news flash: Breitbart, Drudge Report, InfoWars, etc. are all lying to you by exploiting your…
Typical racist right-wing reverse logic. Take away decent schools, a basic socioeconomic floor, and a sense of human dignity from the poor and people of color, throw police at them and lock them up for minor crimes that countless others get away with, destroy their communities, disparage their backgrounds, and force…
Working on an engine build/swap for my 1994 Miata right now. Basically, the Exocet is the next project on it. Pushing to make it happen in 2017, fingers crossed!
Yeah, that attitude is dead in the water. This is why the Democratic Party is STILL blind to what needs to happen.
Agreed. This is why I say I am a liberal, but not a Democrat. Because the Democratic Party incubates a weak, spineless approach to politics and policy that is failing people over, and over, and over...
Thank you. I mean, neoliberalism is a big concept and it’s real and there are things to discuss about it, but I have seen this new strain of “no Clinton because neoliberalism” which is just like...no, not impressive, not convincing, and not indicative of a well-reasoned argument.
True, they are, and it’s a hard thing to get away from, but I disagree with “we can’t”. Why can’t we? Why can’t we start putting the concepts and language out into the world that we want to disseminate? What is stopping us but ourselves? You know we have freedom of speech (for the time being...), right?
Equality and the gap people have from that equality are not mutually exclusive concepts; in fact, they inform each other.
“Hey...Staind was a lot better than Nickelback or Creed.” - 14 year old me.