
You are wrong. I am a Bernie supporter and I am attending the local and grassroots levels. The general feeling is that the Bernie supporters are the boots in the ground, and the party has abandoned us and taken us for granted.


Agreed. I don’t hate Clinton at all, I have a lot of respect for her as an intelligent, rational statesperson. But her name was always going to be a liability, and Bernie supporters knew better than anyone else going into this election that 2016 was going to be different, that past performance was not going to dictate

Politics happen locally. I see it myself, attending working groups, community meetings, discussion actually meet local and regional politicians who are trying to learn what people think and care about, discuss policies, get feedback for their concepts and plans. It’s incredibly heartening.


I don’t understand this post. You seem to be railing against Bernie, but then saying turn out the base.

I think you’re an idiot. This article reads as a bitter reactionary “fuck you” to an election as opposed to rational and thought out. I can definitely relate to the emotion, but I wouldn’t’ve posted an article from that frame of mind...

No, no I do not. You are clearly one of Putin’s many misinformed for implying anyone is wrong to think Clinton would generally not have fucked everything up, or been a complete moron who is obviously grossly underqualified for the task of being President.

You can have too much Maserati reliability.

Pot, kettle black. He grounded his argument in principles and pretty self-evident observations, and clearly avoided ad hominem, and you’re claiming ad hominem because it goes against your preferred guy. C’mon, this is just another case of the pseudo-intellectual expression of trumpism: “if I believe it and perceive

I’d shrug it off less hastily, if I weren’t pretty sure it just makes things worse...but I relate to the misanthropy in general. My opinion of human nature has tumbled a fair deal the last few years, 2016 in particular...

to be fair, as a liberal, we should work to feel their emotion and work to understand it and discuss THAT productively.

Give ‘em Florida. It’ll be fine, since climate change is a hoax.

“We propose a curriculum that keeps your kids out of the house 5 days a week/9 months a year, stops them from fucking, and lowers your taxes”

Fucking. Nailed. It. Especially the part about letting the poor die as population control; dog whistle racial politics have been littered with hints of “judge, jury, and executioner” social darwinism for ages (you failed X cultural-socioeconomic litmus test, you earned your cruel fate); of course, against the backdrop

I gave a star, but at the same time urge you to remember they’re human and tone down the “they”ism (and push for education reform). But on a more zoomed out scale, nailed it!

I had this weird thought that this endless #notallmenbuttoomanymen crusade against women’s rights is like the societal expression of man’s fear of commitment?

Just like sustainable fusion, the Boga will always be 20 years away...

There’s two parts to this that will never become separated. One is Clinton’s actual liabilities as a likable, electable candidate. The other is the extreme smear campaign against her and the Clinton name for decades, by forces inside and outside of this country. We will simply never know how much of this was caused by

I thought MCM built a much cooler, more complete car. Roadkill’s effort seemed rushed, half-assed, and un-original.