
I Missed Again is terrific..a lot of the first album, like The Roof is Leaking, You Know What I Mean..I Don't Care Anymore, Thru These Walls, Do You Know, Do You Care?, Inside Out, Take Me Home..and Against All Motherfucking Odds?!

"Knows"..and no, he's not 'embarrassed' by it, it's just not what he's about as a solo artist.


Nope. It's awful. It shits all over a great band. You can make lively, accessible light rock music with a whit of musical integrity to it, and which doesn't out-and-out insult the listener—and they had before (No Reply At All, Follow You Follow Me, That's All). This is just a bad song. It's crassly commercial.

It's total bullshit. The overwhelmingly paramount thing that gets you girls is being ATTRACTIVE. If, like me, you're a really good singer and musician, yet fat and ugly, you are now, to girls, a fat ugly guy who's a good singer and musician. It's kinda like when girls say "I like nerds." No, you like CUTE nerds.

No key change in that one, either.

No, songs only "represent a key change" when they have a key change.

Great call. Fine, rousing way to end a (fucking brilliant) record.

And they're brother and sister, dude. No joke.


And you're usually wrong.

Nope. A key change is very easily defined and not hotly debated at all.

I Wanna Be Sedated is more widely known to the masses. Say "Blitzkrieg bop" to the average person on the street (without adding 'hey, ho, let's go') and see what reaction you get.

Not really what "iteration" means, but ok.

There's no key change in that song. The D major parts are just choruses, chord changes from the verses..but the key of the song is unchanged.

Where does that go into a major key?

"Parody's"? You really don't know that's wrong?

No and no. And "Garfunkel." But no.

I'll take Jessica Alba, in bed, swinging her ponytail around instead.

Where's Jimmy Eat World from again? They're one of the only bands to emerge in the past two decades that I've fallen in love with. Mesa, is it?