
I'm not grasping how this song or video was in any way "creepy." It's pure, sunny, lighthearted psych-dance-funk. It still pwns.

I saw the Sidewinders at a little club in Long Island in September of 1990 along with another even more obscure band called The Strawberry Zots.

How old are you?

Unless you're fat and ugly (like me), of course, in which case being able to sing does not matter at all.

He was fun in A Little Romance ('79, I know).

I know I don't like this album without listening to it.

Not even young, pretty long-haired B(W)C?

I was of that opinion for awhile, and now I've spun around to really rather liking almost all of the very long last few, probably in this order:

Amazing how good it is. I was definitely among the chorus of "A movie about Facebook?!" when it was about to come out. One of the more entertaining films I've seen in some years, with terrific performances and writing.

The video for "Thirty-three" is my favorite ever.

Go home and get your fuckin' shinebox.

He was pretty good-looking (no homo) with the hair. Lotsa alternagirls dug him back in the day.

Nah, not whatever, so much as exactly what I said.

Monuments is definitely not the strongest record since MCIS—Machina I, Adore and even Oceania are much better. Clarke Barr has spoken.

You're right, I misread that all of those were songs you disliked.

You're right, actually, I'd forgotten—the guy from The Killers. But he's not an official member.

All types of punk are boring.

Not diehards, but a lot of others, which constituted millions wen they were basically the biggest band in the world for a year or two.

He didn't stop with the female bassists—they just haven't had one since last year when Nicole left. Other than a very brief stint by the late Mark Tulin, every bassist they've had has been female.

If you "got a ton of mileage" out of Korn, Limp Bizkit and Bush, I feel really, REALLY bad for you.