
"I can see where this would hit close to home… ."

"The only people acting like assholes in the entire situation so far have been - quelle surprise - Skaicru!"

"And as for the grounder clans, they've accepted that … They know that they *have* to all work together or else none of them will survive."

"And I think they can accurately calculate exactly… , … Why else would they have a hard stop at 1200? … could run out of oxygen and resources before the 5 years is up."

"I can see where this would hit close to home… and killing the mother."

That is even worse. Good luck for Azgeda and Skaikru (without guns).

Raven was on Clarks list too and is not in the bunker. Replacement needed, right. Technical experience can save 1200 people, so what is the threat worth? Sure, Octavia does not take care about technical expertise because she does not care about things she does not understand. I still see how Clarke was (and also Kane

"I can see where this would hit close to home… and killing the mother."

Sure, but unfortunately there is no replacement. So, let her lead a little longer.

They can. Birth rate 1% results in 12 Babies per year. I doubt that they can calculate accurately if 1200 or 1260 can survive. No problem. Do you think Octavia as the new proxy commander will force a rule that illegal babies get "floated". She is not thinking much but she might remember. Also, the dead rate will be

Because they have only few engineers left. Do you think the Grounders will repair the electronics and the hydrogen system, probably not.

Doesn't matter who said it. At that point in time it was the right decision.

What I miss is that Octavia takes over the bad things. She is often just flying over the sky and dropping her decisions. If she is the leader she has to take care who maintains the bunker and that those get seats. That means Skaikru has to get more seats than 100. She has to negotiate with the other clans. Also, when

That she is the rep now just shows how randomly the Grounders interpret their own rules. The price for the conclave was the bunker not the leading position. Octavia is acting since a couple of days and all difficult decision she transfers to the clan leaders (killing the people that are not on lists etc..) and like a

Octavia is always good in standing up somewhere and against someone, but otherwise she is somehow flat without deepness, no competition to Clark. I always now in advance what she will do or say.

If the source code is still on disk on the Ark (her last place) and not deleted by pushing the key switch, then ALIE can be restarted and possibly she can reconnect with the chips. Might be all there still.
We will see. May we meet ALIE again? ;)

So many of them took the chip and I did not see that they took the chip out after the switch key shut down ALIE. That means if ALIE reboots all of them get robots again?

Yes, pretty strange behavior sometimes. Chiped Ilian murdered his family and blows then up the ruins of the arc to get revenge for what the others did when they were chiped. There will be certainly a Grounder in the bunker that feels uncomfortable.

"…Jaha/Clarke's dumb plan…"
Do not think the plan was dump. It was the best decision they could make during the conclave, not knowing who will finally win. That's the good thing with Clarke. She can see several ends and beginnings and is strong enough to leave the predesigned way.

Your are right. That is a spectacular triumph of trikru led by Octavia the new commander of the teutonic knights.