
"While the Grounders have accepted that they are "one clan", Jaha (like Pike) will never see anything other than "his people" vs. "those people"."

This would be the best scenario, but if one remembers the past … . The Arkadians are not a clan anymore. They do not have any power. They do not have warrior skills and no guns anymore. Their trust in their leaders should be zero after the last episode. The scenario I can imagine is the slavery in the ruins of the


"They likely plan to teach the Grounders to survive. The Grounders aren't total brutal idiots, they know that they need to keep the bunker in one piece to survive Praimfiya."

You mean really episode 12? Guess they were just thinking about survival. Hopeless of coarse because lovely Octavia got the Trikru guard with the guns to rule over the other clans and to free up some beds.

;). Do you remember the warm welcome Trikru gave to the 100 kids. Jasper lanced! I guess the lance was not belonging to the nice farmer boy or to healer's sweet daughter. Trikru send warriors to kill. That says all how the Grounders were thinking about the relation with Sky people.

Do you remember when to rest of people of the farm station were slaves of ice nation people. That is exactly the case now for the remaining Skaikru with Octavia as their master. They were 1400 in the bunker and nobody can tell me that oxygen system can not provide enough for 14% more population. They can try to find a

The is leading since few days ;). The only decision she made was to open the bunker for all clans. Sure, all of them will follow. It is like waving with a big piece of chocolate and surprisingly all follow ;). Leadership she can show when she has to make bad decisions. But until now the bad decisions she leaves to the

You still do not know which rules the install in the bunker. If they install Grounder rules the parents of the "forbidden" baby get 1198 cuts with a knife and a final "sending to the dead" by Octavia. As I said a birth rate of 1% per year and it will not be more under these circumstances will results in a change of

The hardness against radiation does not change in one life cycle, but only genetically. That means exposing somebody to radiation does not make is body more perfect but he will just get weaker and the probability for cancer etc. increases.

You can put it in a different way. Without Skaikru no knowledge about the "praymfaya" and without Skaikru no solution for survival and without Skaikru no bunker. And it is ok that Skaikru opened the bunker to let more Grounders in and it would also be ok to take more Grounders in and to fill up the bunker to 2000.

"Exactly - and since they thought they'd have resources longer on the Ark and obviously underestimated, they'd be much more precise this time around to try and prevent exactly what happened in the culling."

"If they say that the bunker can support 1200 people for 5 years, you have to take them at their word. If they say that the deathwave is going to kill everyone, you have to take them at their word. You can't just disregard things that the show states as fact."

That is a long list on both sides. Lexa at Mount Weather. Bellamy and the Grounder Army. Ice nation that killed 2/3 of the farm station people. Trikru that gave a deadly welcome to the 100 etc. etc.. No difference.

"If she decides to share it equally among the 12 remaining clans, it's her choice to do so. Every clan had to choose 100. She isn't killing the members of Skaikru anymore than she's killing all the grounders who weren't chosen."

"Sorry, could you elaborate? When did she kill a few hundred Skaikru that didn't break any rule? Because if you mean kicking them out of the bunker, she has no choice."

No, I liked her a lot until 4.11.. But people on positions they are not made for do not look good anymore. She was not a soldier but an assassin and she killed few 100 Skaikru people that did not break any rule.

Until now the only ruling she did has been: 1200 in total and 100 for Skaikru. She could easily say, ok, we try with 2000 and look how it goes. But she decided differently. In this sense she is doing the same as Jaha and Kane on the Ark. But the difference is that she does not show any responsibility for her

The ring section can stay in the orbit long time, as other things do too. But you are right for the nuclear plants. The actual technical picture the writers have in their mind looks very strange. Looks like they think about a kind of explosion that brings radioactive dust into the air, but still strange.

Yes, but meanwhile many of the 100 "floated" others too, also Octavia. She is great in killing and sometimes one has the feeling she even likes it. By the way, not Jaha but Kane was the real badass on the Ark and Octavia just "floated" few 100 Skaikru people. The problem with her is, that she looks quit comfortable