
I think she got shut down, at least. Might be she is still on the disk but probably one would need to reboot here. Might also be the key switch just deleted the source code.

Octavia is not a nightblood, not genetically. They made the conclave to avoid that a "scienfific" nightblood as Clarke gets commander. So either Grounders break their own rules or Octavia cannot rule as a commander. Sure she could rule as a rep. Lexa's spirit can only choose between nightbloods. There is no way out.

Abby is just looking for the people that are close to her and so she will decide. Not good for all to have her as chancellor or commander. Kane is good and gifted but his decision to go with the conclave and rejecting to support Clarke in finding other ways disqualifies him. He would be a good council member and

But the best warrior is not the best leader. She is not a nightblood. She cannot get a chip that supports her brain. She has no right to rule all clans.

I think A.L.I.E was not able to keep the nuclear power plants stable. This was out of her scope. She was just offering a place in the electronic sky.

This would have happend to the boat people anyway. It might be it would have taken a week longer. On the other hand boat people leader did the wrong decision, so Luna just killed all the boat people finally herself.

Sure, but Trikru gave the wrong welcome ceremony. Getting lanced on the first day is odd.

This is also a terribly wrong decision coming from Octavia's brutally naïve and simple thinking. Why it is necessary to save clans and clan structures? First priority should be to save people. That means the list of 1200 should not result in a share of 100 for each clan. That is just stupid. The list should be

To make Octavia commander would break the rules again. She is not a nightblood. This was the reason why Clarke could not get up to the throne because she was just a "scientific" nightblood. But, ok, rules are so flexible if it goes for power. So the Grounders will bend those rules if appropriate as always in the past.

Octavia targets to be the leader for all. In this case she should sign up the lists for all and take the responsibility for the kills. No real leader can transfer the responsibility for those things. There is no way out if she wants to lead. It is not the problem to give enough sovereignity. That is easy. The problem

It does not work this way. Conclaves were in all cases ( Chinese , Turks etc.) just a ceremony. The power was kept by military etc.. Leaders that do not have enough power and support after a conclave get/got kicked out. Even in the Grounder society it did not work, see the conflict between Ice Nation and Lexa. Ice

Octavia is the wrong choice for that. Until now she did not take responsibility but was just following her own way. Fighting belongs to that. It seems she does not take the burden of making lists because it is not her style to do the dirty job. She leaves that for Kane and others.The people did not really listen to

No, they should not dictate them but they should also not agree to their rules and follow. I also do not say that the Grounders are barbaric people. They are not! But their rules are.

"It is on land that at least some Grounder can claim. And they might not have opened it if it weren't for the help of Indra's daughter."

Azgeda and Trikru tried it before. Blocking the bunker. Claiming the bunker for themselves. Making bilateral negotiations with Skaikru.
No "saving of the human race" seeable. Just, pure "I want it for my clan". They did all those things before, when Clark was still trying to find a peaceful solution. Cheating is pure

Yes, a medal would be the minimum, not only for revising herself but also for not stupidly following the strange conclave rules which fit better to Teutonic knights than to somehow developed people. Her mother helped but the key point was that she did not shoot!

No, I acknowledge the decision she made in episode 10. It shows that she is not relying on a girls luck in the battle only. To put all on Octavia's fighting skills would have been stupid and irresponsible enough.

Because Clarke's move was not a bad move. The conclave is a stupid and medieval way to make decisions. Why should Clarke agree with that and why not looking for other solutions. She did not vote for the conclave, so no betrayal from her side. To put all hopes and all lives on the luck of one girl that would have been

Lucky Octavia. A wrong move and she would have been dead. Brave but stupid fighting in this case resulting in an empty bunker because Luna wanted the human race to die. I just congratulate Clark that she was thinking about a way out without relying on a Octavia's fighting skills.

Hope not.