I always forget making snide comments about other women’s choices in feminine hygiene products are still a thing, but here we are.
I always forget making snide comments about other women’s choices in feminine hygiene products are still a thing, but here we are.
Husband and I watched Trainwreck the other night, and at the part where Amy’s freaking out about potentially screwing things up with the guy she likes by accidentally leaving a nasty tampon in the toilet, he looks over at me all kinds of confused as to why there’d be a tampon in the toilet in the first place. When I…
I know we are all probably still traumatized by the Lindsey Lohan biopic, but I would watch the ever-loving hell out of Dallas Buyers Club 2: White Diamonds.
I was sad that there were no new stories until I realized you don’t owe fucking Denton any new content.
Oh, I’ve got one for you.
A monogrammed thermos? They are very important, you know.
I just heard about this! They killed off Kitchenette? ARE THEY INSANE? Does anything anywhere in the entire Gawker universe generate more page views and comments than Behind Closed Ovens? And for what? Another article making fun of how fat Chris Christie is, or pointing out that all the Republican Presidential…
Daycare =\= Russian Roulette with your child’s life.
This headline is frankly kind of shitty. Even the mother in this case says she has no idea if she could have prevented his death. I am all for better parental leave policies and some national standard that keeps people in lower income jobs or certain states from being screwed over financially after having an infant,…
I’m sorry , and sorry for her loss, but I hate that emotionnal approach. Babies die of sudden death, and choke, and the alternative is not have each and every parents watch them till they are six. I’m sure there is a problem with providing enough quality daycare, for poor people that need it the most, specially, as it…
This is one weird-ass application of Pinkham’s Law.
She proceeds to explain to him that only a hamburger contains meat, and that a cheeseburger is vegetarian. She says she knows this because she has been to McDonald’s in London literally *hundreds* of times in the last few years, and that a cheeseburger is always vegetarian when she orders one!
And what would have happened if your wife had died before your children were grown?
Actually, we need to separate “work-life balance” from parenthood, or motherhood, so that it applies to everyone. Nobody should be working 60 hours every week, regardless of parental status. We need to make it clear that parents aren’t asking for special treatment when they want to leave the office at 5. Everyone…
In addition to the points made by Vulcans and Provost, I'll also point out that Asian-Americans are, in fact, tax paying citizens, and so using tax funds to pay for something important to their communities isn't really misplaced. This is a part of American history because they are part of America.
It’s the usual NYC myopia.
The soup of the day is usually Hitler miss, but I’m sure you’ll just Goebbels up today’s gestapo soup.
I have a KAZOOOOOS! story.
When I managed a Borders we were also responsible for this small calendar kiosk on the other side of the shopping center. I was there covering someone’s lunch break and this crazed woman came over demanding why we had no bichon frise calendars. The dog calendar people were always the weirdest.