After just reading the headline, my immediate thought was, "Jesus christ, fuck the whole world."
After just reading the headline, my immediate thought was, "Jesus christ, fuck the whole world."
Of course, George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion is an updated version of Ovid's Pygmalion.
Oh hey, I'm a 14.5 too! Hello!
A lot of victims don't want to pursue legal action. And given the way victims who report anything to ANY authorities are treated (see: The Girl Who Ratted at Vanderbilt), it's not surprising.
What about just asking the grooms??
The scary rapists in the mall parking lot hide out next to your driver's side door?
current Brown student here — if you went to brown, which class?
The twist: They're ALL polyamorous and they do a wonderful loving three-person relationship.
My aunt breastfed my cousins until they were like, two. And now my cousins are fucking weird. So.
I just have to believe someone else talked him into taking insane legal action. If he actually has such social anxiety that he couldn't deal with women in a semicircle, there's no way he decided to go to COURT about it on his own.
hahahahaha wait the parents think the kids brush their teeth at school? Where did these parents go to school??
I've been sitting here wondering how on god's green earth some three year old could possibly need even ONE root canal, let alone four. Thanks for this.
I love that Shoshanna seems to be entertained by whatever Marnie just said, and Marnie just seems really entertained by her own sparkle. And no one else gives a shit. Appropriate.
I think the biggest problem is that people see "weird dieting" as a self-evidently good thing. Like, if you're doing "weird dieting" you're probably a good person who is "guilt free" and "disciplined"
I think the biggest problem is that people see "weird dieting" as a self-evidently good thing. Like, if you're doing "weird dieting" you're probably a good person who is "guilt free" and "disciplined"
See, here's the difference between how we see things. You think a selfie says "AM I PRETTY??"
So when you say "A hulu original" do you mean "A british show that is now available on hulu in america"? Because that's what's happening here.
Ok that really is my favorite disney princess movie though, off-brand or no. Anastasia kicks ASS in that movie.
I'm just really excited about this new phrase "He's done a sex".
I think you've dramatically misinterpreted my comment. I was saying how the gendered stereotypes hurt BOTH sexes.