
I love ponds dry skin cream as a night cream. It absorbs really well and is very inexpensive. It doesn’t have spf though.

but does it come in a bottle that doesn't leak? I have yet to find a bottle that doesn't leak.

Not mechanical wings, animal wings. Large birds, like eagles glide more than flap, smaller birds and insects move their wings so much they look blurry.

number seven is wings!

We are going to need someone to replace Michelle Bachman.

I feel exactly the same. I know Minnesota is nothing compared to Manitoba but I am getting so depressed. My house smells like farts and I will never be able to open the windows again because it's going to be winter forever.

Green tea left ugly stains all over my mugs! I tried baking soda but it did nothing.

I want to hug her so bad. Keisha, I care about you!

Good to hear. I just wanted to spread the word. People are really impressed when I make it and I'm like"this is suuuuper easy guys, calm down."

This is so easy to make. You can use boxed cake mix. Look it up on all

This sucks so much. As if the MRAs need an actual example of false accusations to point to.

Can whoever fights him please bring a gun? Please?