
Honestly, I’m surprised that they lasted this long. FF is the car equivalent of those guys standing on the corner trying to get you to buy their new album that’s so hot it’s FF-Fire!

If only the hair lock thing was true

Well, we know THIS guy got fired from Subaru.

I think this judge here is right. Every morning when it’s cold, all the thieves wake up excited about running around in the freezing cold looking for idling cars. It really is reaching epidemic levels here in Utah. They are calling it “snowygate”

I’m not a big fan of the front end. It’s way too busy.

I have a small dog that frequently pees in long wet grass, can confirm.

Replaced rear view mirror with DVD player? Sounds like he was building this FOR retirement.

I was THIS close

Fastest production car.

Here’s to hoping the production model doesn’t look a thing like this.

It’s a bird! It’s a plane, no wait, it’s...... Acura?

I’m just glad it’s not in beta

When this car comes out I just want it to be complete garbage. Riddled with recalls and fires and all that crap. Then I want some sort of lawsuit against FCA for this silly pandering they call marketing

This pleases Jabba, it may live

I read the first word in the title and immediately knew Tracy was involved

I bet that one dude with his modded FiST wishes those doors had flung open... Well.... He would if he could so he can’t so he won’t.

I know these guys have great intentions, and normally I am a promoter of “act now, ask for forgiveness later” but they should have done their homework before going out and getting something so large.

Tune in next week: Icon makes long body Bronco, starting price is your first born.

Elon looks at the Demon

yeah but when you can get it for 15K from the same place Doug got his Skyline, with the sameish amount of miles, I dont see the draw.