
Drinking water to stay hydrated is important.

Well Al Jezeera IS partly owned by the ruling family of Qatar, so I would be wary of the info they are putting out.

Or this....

Can’t forget this thing....

+1 kit car.

+10 hidden, built-in gadgets. This thing wins HANDS DOWN! Every part of the car is something else. Is a wheel the fire pit they are burning the logs in?

And it all has to do with the ‘Unwritten Rules’ even if you are within the rules... Quick pitches happen often, so fucking be ready.

“Yeah you..”

So they are both used to disappointment...

Super cars and exotics are expensive in any country.

Or, don’t hang out at after hour strip clubs.

Please polish your tools more vigorously.

Please, this is left leaning company of blogs. Land is scarce and this one way to store cars, buuuut put a communist slant on it and post it on should really be on Jezebel, though.

It has been built up a lot, but the lack of police presence there is very alarming. With all the tourism dollars in that area, it is surprising that there is not more of a downright scary around there at night. Hence, cops drove by the area, but did not stop. Could have easily been prevented.

King Arthur, Robin Hood, and Peter Pan movies need to stop being made....

+1 Neighborhood rule.

Who is that dude in the gif??

Been saying this for a long time. Massively deflationary for wages in the world with all this automation.

Wandering through North Bridge in Chicago. Nail lady drags me over (I’m a dude). Buffs a nail and puts some cream, then a gel on it. Price was $140 for a nail buffer and the rest. In one minute it was $39 for the nail buffer and the rest as “gift.” Still too much. Juked left, went right and got away....

We don’t need those fucking things anyway. Amirite?