Or thrilled to pieces.
Or thrilled to pieces.
Are you a weekend rec league ref?
Pack up the car seat, put the kid with a parent, fill the seat.
Good coverage over on LetsRun.com, http://www.letsrun.com/
Sale said a 14 year old was a clubhouse leader and hung a 14 year old’s jersey at his locker n protest.
Goes both ways around here, I guess..........
Thanks FOR deflecting.
I read this entire story in a vocal fry, Kardashian voice, to myself, outloud....
Theo for Bears GM!!!
I’m not sure Pace is a good GM.
+1 Artesian Well.
More propellers with more drinking...
How could they NOT come up with this conclusion 2 weeks ago??
His hitting gives Cubs a lot more options. Is he a potential leadoff guy? Seems Russell is a great 5 guy and Maddon likes a 4 guy who can work a count to guarantee a run. Seems like Schwarber would be a perfect fit at 4..
I love this.
Cub fan here. Struggle to embrace Lackey a bit. Seems to play the part of the ‘grizzled vet who keeps the youngsters in line’ in the clubhouse. He has 3 rings which is impressive, but seems to have the Goose Gossage view of the game. Eats up innings, but was not that good in the playoffs.
No shit. That hasn’t existed for a very long time, not just this administration.
I understand your point.