
He’s a Stonecutter you know...

69 year old. I’m a contractor. Walking is about the least strenuous thing I do every day.

80 minutes on average daily except Sunday. And I just turned 70. It's the easiest physical workout I do.

It’s stupid, it will be mismanaged and only cause inconvenience for rich, not so rich and poor people regressively. It will never meaningfully fund anything, will be fraught with management issues and waste and will be ultimately abandoned.

Fastest or quickest?

Pfft. Try raising a 10-year old.

$140/hour labor? That is way cheap for a McClaren. Here in the Mid-Atlantic, any dealer for a normal car (Ford, Chevy, Toyota, Honda, etc..) is going to be around that or even more! I guess he has this done at an independent shop? 

What rolls down stairs, alone or in pairs

Let me be the first comment to say, “this is fucked up.

Its as if... the high end rich market is empty of people wanting 70k+ cars or something and most people now gravitating to things that are affordable (ish, i dont consider 45k base price cars affordable)... funny that. Who could have foreseen this?

On this very night, ten years ago, on this same stretch of road, in the dense fog, just like this, I saw the worse fuel economy I ever seen. There was this sound, like a garbage truck dropped off the Empire State Building. And when they finally pulled the driver’s body from the twisted, burning, WRECK, it looked

Perez will be fine, because F1 hates any kind of change or risk. He’ll drift from back marker team to back marker team for a few more years as those teams invariably decide proven mediocrity is preferable to taking a chance on a potential young star.

Standard time can get bent. I want my sun in the afternoon evening, and extra hour of light in the morning during the winter serves no purpose.

If I buy one that will become inevitable.

The timeliness of this article is uncanny, given that I’m legitimately looking up a coupe as a next luxury performance DD.

A shit v6 too when the v8 is literally the same size.

I’m more of the “wreak havoc and make the fuckers pay” school of protest, rather than the “make myself suffer and watch them ignore me” train of thought.

Ford vs Land Rover, whoever has the least recalls in a year wins. 

Prepare for a rant: Hands down, Ford. I knew what I was getting into buying a Ford, but I figured “whats the worst that could happen, it has a factory warranty.”

2016 Lincoln MKX, purchased as a factory CPO in 2019. After a year I started seeing an oil drip under the engine. Later a code popped up for the purge valve. They called me back and said it needed spark plugs, I declined. When I went to pick it up, the told me they went ahead and did spark plugs, and the oil drip was