
Nice try on an old take. This happened in 2015 so who was in office? And obviously NYC is massively Democratic, so who do you think won that electorate in the 2016 election? Truth is this has been happening loooooonnng before Trump took office and continued unabated during Obama’s tenure. DeBlasio has had a hell of

Haha....great movie. It really fueled my desire for road trips.


Nice, where in Lakeview??

Why worry about facts in an article? It’s just another chance to rant on Trump.

Of course, bigger government is always the answer..

If you are in Chicago, there are 2 sitting inside at European Auto at 2547 Lincoln Ave. Just look inside the window and they are partially covered. One was just left there and they can’t find the owner. Lots of other cool shit sitting around inside that shop as well.

Fan lottery to pitch in the 5th inning.

You must be new here.

“Let her rip ‘tater chip!”

Well, unless you wreck it in the rain during “spirited driving”.....

Bliss-ful thinking.

Something something, Cars and Coffee, pedestrians, something.

Definitely a massive shift in paying for past performance. Dingers don’t bring in the $$ like it used to and advanced, advanced metrics seem to be what the pay measure is......42 homers but a .3 WAR, good luck!

Looks like there were a line of trucks waiting in the background. Not sure what the ‘Main Event’ consisted of, but do County or City Officials even drop by just to see what is going on??

I just don’t know WTF I’m watching? Some type of Mad Max, feral dystopia at a ‘sanctioned’ event....


Keep your fucking stick down, C Leaguer!

Still overpriced.

I have tried to unpack this in my mind many, many times. I imagine someone told him to put the parking brake on, drop the clutch, then modulate the throttle AND clutch....EASY!