Shocked and appalled that a Mustang did a proper burnout.
Shocked and appalled that a Mustang did a proper burnout.
Bring that man in for questioning:
Cage free, free range raised drivers as well....
Pops the trunk first.......
Still my favorite.....
Let’s eat Grandma.
What a Mess-i..
Hmmm, so in talking about feeling in his extremities it must have been spinal chord related. Looking at the video, his head snaps back and his right side is thrown back. Hope he returns soon.
Finally getting some sports news on Deadspin......Thank you.
Never been a massive fan of drifting, but this video is really turning me around on this.
lol. Good PR move leaving office.
Obama approved it first.... Also the House and Senate.
I mean they have to ‘look’ like they’re doing something. Hey, let’s sign the new Brock Osweiler.... Someone has to end up with the #1 pick (why not Bears?), why can’t we keep Barkley or someone and start building everything else?
Good luck! Please do a write-up after, would love to hear your experience.
I was guessing it had to me part mobile-QB syndrome. Step outside the pocket and get De-Kaep-itated. I mean Cam is good, but he takes his knocks more than anyone. Start with a line, I guess, because you have to pass in the pocket.....Cowboys have been consistent with a great line for Romo and now Prescott.. As a…
Can someone explain to me why Kaepernick can’t play QB anymore??