
Haha....or he got hurt..

Sounds like a real Golden Shower for Edwin. But if he gets hurt, it could be a real Hindenberg for the Indians. And for Edwin’s former BJ teammate it’s Dirty, Sanchez thought they would resign him.

She does not want to hit pedestrians or cars, though.

I agree wholeheartedly with this. The whole city, county, state, federal governance is stepping stone is at the core of how a republic operates and I just don’t like Federal level power grabs.

So extreme left or extreme right??

I believe this. Jalopnik should start a thread about everyone’s best DMV story. I’m sure most would warp your brain.

Tough to hoon a 31' Tiara Express....

Much more adept then Rivers at throwing the long one.

Got stuck in Burnham Harbor while Obama’s motorcade made it’s way into downtown. A radiator in my tenant’s apartment was leaking and was kept over an hour from getting there. Partially flooded 2 floors in my building and creating $$$ in damage.

+1 for massively latent homosexual post.

Now playing

It would probably go something like this....

No you won’t move anywhere else.

“Spooky 32 use 105 shells. Bring the rain!”

Well you’re living there in Allentown?

Deep deep cut....nice catch! +1

Now playing

Obviously he has not seen this installment of the franchise...

It’s still for sale if you have $30 mil.

Pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude.

Don’t forget Pininfarina was sold to Mahindra in India...