
Dad Porsche

As a Bears fan, I am speechless. Can’t believe McClellan is productive for the Pats.

This is Jezebel. You have to accept everyone for what they do, even if they act like a Jackass. And then blame Trump.

I really like these things.

Turbo should have a good chance.

*Throws beer*

So what is the correlation or even causation of “the most sexual places on the face of the Earth.” and racial text messages??

You mean it didn’t start when he said Drake Laroche was a leader in the clubhouse??

I thought he was going to meet another dude..

They’re skinny, bobbleheaded, last notch watchwearing runners. That’s all the game they have.  

+1 for all the Jofa helmets.

Ferrari 458 knockoff??

At first all I wanted was a 1998 4 door M3. Finally bought it in 2002 with Stage 2 Dinan on it. It was awesome! 4 doors, sounded great and was a hoot drive with a 5 speed. I loved that car, but what was next?

Have seriously lost track of MB, BMW, and Audi in-house tuner models. I just assume they “AMG ALL THINGS!!!” (Insert the meme).

Or if you’re from Philly, it’s a Rossi future.......

“With the frame bent, they have to straighten it out to factory specifications........then DRILL new holes for the engine mounts..”

Missou Athletic Dept better beat feet it to their SAFE SPACE!

If someone wore a Fedora to an interview and was not Justin Timberlake, I would decline to interview them.