
+1 for the American Flag waving.

I rode the Vegas monorail a month ago and it looks like North Haverbrook’s.. Too bad that’s is their only public transit “system.”

Don’t know if that monorail can handle all of the passenger capacity...

Dumb, shitty clickbait.

If you really want to get the full benefit of his prison workout, try a Tossed Salad after..

Was there ‘89-’93. All Seasons in Dubuque and occasionally at the old Cattle Congress in Waterloo...

We did not have matching jerseys my first 2 years (I do have a picture of us sitting around here somewhere). Had to ask guys for about $150 or so per year, which was tough to do for a college student. Home ice was in Dubuque, IA so we practiced like, 5 times a year...

Hawkeye here. I ran the club Hockey team there in the 1990s. Every year I had to fight tooth and nail for $1500 per year in funding. I would have to submit a report every year to justify it. The only the other club team that received that much was the Ultimate Frisbee team...

This is wonderful.

“Help! I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up!”

People need to chill out.

Your comparisons make 0.0 sense. We are debating how tall she is or how good her eyes are.... Having to determine her sex is what this is about, and a line needs to be drawn somewhere. Otherwise just let men race women and be done.

Still love this thing..

So the finish line is now beyond the finish line??


Do you mean, more sued??

Row boat!

You don’t like it, Efimova-on

Dam Son..